Just Dance Now Code Names (2024)

This is a list of all code names that can be used to explore the Just Dance Now servers.


  • 1 Beta Release links
  • 2 Official Release links
    • 2.1 Old versions (from September 25, 2014 to October 22, 2015)
    • 2.2 Alternate links for the old version
    • 2.3 Update of October 22, 2015
    • 2.4 Update on August 10, 2020
  • 3 Game HUD links
    • 3.1 Update of October 22, 2015
  • 4 URL Numbers
  • 5 All Code Names
    • 5.1 #
    • 5.2 A
    • 5.3 B
    • 5.4 C
    • 5.5 D
    • 5.6 E
    • 5.7 F
    • 5.8 G
    • 5.9 H
    • 5.10 I
    • 5.11 J
    • 5.12 K
    • 5.13 L
    • 5.14 M
    • 5.15 N
    • 5.16 O
    • 5.17 P
    • 5.18 Q
    • 5.19 R
    • 5.20 S
    • 5.21 T
    • 5.22 U
    • 5.23 V
    • 5.24 W
    • 5.25 X
    • 5.26 Y
    • 5.27 Z
  • 6 All Avatar Numbers
  • 7 All Codes for videos
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Gallery

Beta Release links[]

Before the official release, the main file link that was being used for the game was static2.cdn.ubi.com. In the official release, the main link was changed to jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com. Here are the list of links that were mainly used for the Beta release.

1. For squares, the following URL has to be used:https://static2.cdn.ubi.com/rio/prod/20140826_1330/songs/(SongName)/assets/web/(songname).jpg

2. For pictogram sprites, the following URL has to be used: https://static2.cdn.ubi.com/rio/prod/20140826_1330/songs/(SongName)/assets/web/pictos-sprite.png

3. For preview audio files, the following URL has to be used:https://static2.cdn.ubi.com/rio/prod/20140826_1330/songs/Luftballons/assets/web/(SongName).ogg

  • Unlike the official release file links, the link will not automatically download the audio to your computer.

4. For coach selection images, the following URL has to be used:https://static2.cdn.ubi.com/rio/prod/20140826_1330/songs/(SongName)/assets/common/coaches/(songname)_coach_(n)_big.png

  • As with the official release file links, the song name needs to be in lowercase the second time it is put in.
  • Depending on the type of routine, the (n) needs to be replaced by a certain number: if the song is a S, then only "1" should be put in; if it is a Duet, then "1" or "2" should be put in; if it is a Dance crew, "1", "2", "3", or "4", should be put in to get a certain coach.
  • To get smaller versions of those files, the following URL has to be used: https://static2.cdn.ubi.com/rio/prod/20140826_1330/songs/(SongName)/assets/common/coaches/(songname)_coach_1.png

5. For avatars, the following URL has to be used:https://static2.cdn.ubi.com/rio/prod/20140826_1330/web/img/avatars128/(n).png

Official Release links[]

Old versions (from September 25, 2014 to October 22, 2015)[]

1. For squares, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/songs/(SongName)/assets/web/(songname).jpg

2. To search pictograms sprites, you have to put the following URL: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/songs/(SongName)/assets/web/pictos-sprite.png

Just Dance Now Code Names (2)

3. To search preview audio files, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/songs/(SongName)/assets/web/(SongName).ogg

  • This will usually prompt to download the preview.
  • The code name has to be uppercase in both slots.

4. To get coach selection images, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/songs/(SongName)/assets/common/coaches/(songname)_coach_1_big.png

  • The song title has to be lowercase the second time it is put in.
  • If there are more than one coach in the song, "1" has to be replaced with the respective number of the coaches to get another one.
  • To get smaller versions, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/12345678_1234/songs/(SongName)/assets/common/coaches/(songname)_coach_1.png
  • Some songs from Just Dance 2015 have files for their Mashups. To get the Mashup coach selection images, "mashup" has to be added near the second code name (e.g. "iloveit_mashup_coach_1_big").
Just Dance Now Code Names (3)

5. To get avatars, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/web/img/avatars128/(n).png

  • "(n)" has to be replaced with the respective avatar number. A comprehensive list of avatar numbers can be found in a separate paragraph in this article.
Just Dance Now Code Names (4)

6. To get video files, the following URL has to be used: https://hls.justdancenow.com/(songname)_(songcode)/(q)000(partnumber).ts

  • "(songname)" is the codename, which has to be be in lowercase.
  • "(songcode)" is a specific code that has to be used to find the file. Each routine has its own.
  • "(q)" is the resolution.
    • "1m" indicates low resolution (360p).
    • "2m" indicates average resolution (480p).
    • "4m" indicates high resolution (720p).
  • "(partnumber)" is a two-digit number from "00" to "30" (or less) that indicates a part (10 seconds) of the video file.
  • In order to extract these files, the desired routine has to be played at least once on the device.
    • This will only last until the browser is closed. After that, the routine will have to be played again.

7. To get information about a certain routine, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/songs/(SongName)/(SongName).json

  • The codename has to be uppercase in both slots.
  • Information is gathered in code strings which has a specific name. They are (in order):
    • MapName (the code name)
    • JDVersion (the current version of the routine, which is represented by digits from "1" to "2016")
    • OriginalJDVersion (the original version of the routine)
      • For these two strings, Just Dance 2014 is marked as "5".
    • Artist
    • Title
    • PhoneImage (a bit of an URL which allows to download menu squares used on the Just Dance Controller app)
      • This string is only featured in .json files from the last version of the servers (before the update of October 22, 2015).
    • DefaultColors
    • lyricsColor (expressed as an hexadecimal)
    • videoOffset
    • beats
    • lyrics (what lyrics are displayed, how long they take to highlight and when one line makes way for another)
    • pictos (which pictograms are displayed and when they reach the end of the bar)
    • AudioPreview
    • AudioPreviewFadeTime

8. For bundles, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/dist/bundle/(SongName)_(BundleNumber).zip

  • These bundles feature the cover, coach selection images (which come in two different sizes), score tracking files and .json files that determine how said files are used.
  • "BundleNumber" is a digit from "1" up to "8"; according to which one is used, different files will be extracted.

Alternate links for the old version[]

1. To get menu squares, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/uat/release_tu2/20150928_1740/songs/(SongName)/(songname).jpg

2. To get pictograms sprites, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/uat/release_tu2/20150928_1740/songs/(SongName)/pictos-sprite.png

3. To get audio files, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/uat/release_tu2/20150928_1740/songs/(SongName)/assets/web/(SongName).ogg

4. To get coach selection images, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/uat/release_tu2/20150928_1740/songs/(SongName)/assets/common/coaches/(songname)_coach_(n)_big.png

5. To get information about a certain routine, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/uat/release_tu2/20150928_1740/songs/(SongName)/(SongName).json

6. For bundles, the following URL has to be used:https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/uat/release_tu2/20150928_1740/dist/bundle/(SongName).zip

Update of October 22, 2015[]

After the update released on October 22, 2015, a brand new server was made for the game. As opposed to the old one, only routines that have been officially released can be extracted.1. For squares, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/songs/(SongName)_(SongNumber)/assets/web/(songname).jpg

  • "(SongNumber)" must be replaced with a number composed of thirteen random digits. Every routine has its own, and all of them are gathered in a catalog that can be accessed through this link.

2. For pictograms sprites, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/songs/(SongName_SongNumber)/assets/web/pictos-sprite.png

  • As of March 3, 2016, an alternate link has been added for atlases, where pictograms are bundled in rectangular images rather than in a long, horizontal one. Atlases can be found through the following URL: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/songs/(SongName_SongNumber)/assets/web/pictos-atlas.png
    • For Duets, Trios and Quartets, pictograms in atlases are in a slightly bigger size (370x256 instead of 256x256)
  • As of an unknown date in 2017, pictograms are approximately sorted in order of appearance, rather than alphabetically according to their code names; besides, those for Duets, Trios and Quartets added or updated after that date are in 740x512 instead of 256x256.

3. For preview audio files, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/songs/(SongName)_(SongNumber)/assets/web/(SongName).ogg

4. For coach selection images, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/songs/(SongName)_(SongNumbers)/assets/common/coaches/(songname)_coach_1_big.png

5. For avatars, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/avatars/(n).png

  • To extract golden and diamond avatars, the numbers 200 (for the golden ones) or 300 (for the diamond ones) has to be added before the specific avatar number.
  • A full list of currently available avatars can be found here: http://sap-prod-api.justdancenow.com/v1/avatars

6. To get the cover, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/songs/(SongName)_(SongNumber)/assets/app/(songname)_cover%402x.jpg

7. To extract video files, the following URL has to be used: https://dash.justdancenow.com/(songname)_576p.mp4

  • The following steps have to be followed:
  1. Open the game website without connecting the phone
  2. View the desired routine on the menu
  3. Refresh the server page

If done correctly, a gameplay with pictograms should appear (in some cases, the server automatically downloads it).

    • As of an unknown date, this link no longer works.

8. For information about a certain routine, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/songs/(SongName)_(SongNumber)/(SongName).json

9. For bundles, the following URL has to be used: https://jdnow-api-contentapistoragest.justdancenow.com/songs/(SongName)_(SongNumber)/bundle.zip

  • Once the link has been opened, the download starts automatically.

Update on August 10, 2020[]

Game HUD links[]

1. To get the favicon of the game, you have to put the following URL:


2. To get the "Just Dance Now!" advertisem*nt image, you have to put the following URL:


3.To get all of the sound effects in an MP3 file, you have to put the following URL:


4. To get the start image on the phone, you have to put the following URL:


5. To get a bigger icon of the game, you have to put the follwing URL:


6. To get some Beta screenshots, you have to put the following URL:


7. To get the challenges icon, you have to put the following URL:


8. To get a dance room statistics image, you have to put the following URL:


9. To get an image of your profile, you have to put the following URL:


Update of October 22, 2015[]

Since the update, you have to put the following URL: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/main/(12345678_1234)/web/img/home/phone/phone-screen-social-frame.png

10. To get stars, you have to put in the following URL:


NOTE: Note that 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 replaces the "(#)".

11. To get the full catalog and see what is new in the JDNow servers, you have to put the following URL:


12. To get the background of the starting menu, you have to put the following URL:


13. To get some advertisem*nt, you have to put the following URLs: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/web/img/home/video-poster.jpg; https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/web/img/home/players.jpg; https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/web/img/home/screenshots/screenshot-nda.jpg; https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/20151103_1453/web/img/home/phone/phone-screen-go-mode.jpg

14. To get the globe, you have to put the following URL: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/web/img/home/neverdancealone.png

15. To get the new starting screen, you have to put the following URL: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/20151103_1453/web/img/home/phone/phone-screen-onboarding-home-small.jpg

16. To get the feedback icons, you have to put the following URL: https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/web/img/feedback/feedback-labels-sprite.png

  • NOTE: As of the URL number 20160303_1012, the feedback icon sprite has been resized from 514 x 2280 to 256 x 1152.

17. To get fonts, you have to put the following URL:https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/prod/(12345678_1234)/web/fonts/(Font-Name).ttf

(Font-Name) has to be replaced with a name of a certain font. Here is a list of the fonts that are currently being used for the game:

  • jd-bold.ttf
  • jd-regular.ttf
  • just-another-hand.ttf

18. To get every text of game HUD, you have to put the following URL:


(Lang-Code) has to be replaced with a code of a certain language. Here is a list of the languages that are currently being used for the game:

  • Brazilian (Portuguese): br
  • Danish: da
  • Dutch: nl
  • English: en
  • Finnish: fi
  • Japanese: ja
  • Korean: ko
  • French: fr
  • German: de
  • Russian:ru
  • Italian: it
  • Norwegian: no
  • Spanish: es
  • Swedish: sv

URL Numbers[]

URL Numbers correspond to the date and time the file is current as of the time of uploading; for example, 20141016_1537 = 2014/10/16 15:37. If a file works on a number it will most likely also work on all subsequent numbers (as in, songs available on 20140925_1200 will most likely also be available on 20141001_1330, 20141016_1537, etc). This also applies to the favicon, the translations, the avatars, and all technical elements (translations, covers, and so on). If a song is not working on the numbers below and you find the right number, please list it here. If you have found a song that only have placeholder images in their files, please put a "*" at the end of the song name when adding a song in the URL Number.

  • 20140826_1330 (only works with static2.cdn.ubi.com, works with all of the songs from Just Dance 4 and 2014, including We Can't Stop and So Good, except for Crazy Little Thing, Make The Party (Don’t Stop), Hot For Me, Brand New Start, and Safe And Sound)
  • 20140924_1500 (Alfonso Signorini, Call Me Maybe, Candy, Careless Whispher, Dançando, Disturbia, Funhouse) (To get the info about these songs, go to jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com)
  • 20140925_1200 (only works with jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com, update for older files)
  • 20141016_1537 (update for older files)
  • 20141204_1636 (Hey Ya!, Baby Zouk, California Gurls)
  • 20141218_1621 (Bad Romance, Birthday, Black Widow, Break Free, D.A.N.C.E, Down By The Riverside, Happy, I Love It, Maps, Twist And Shake It)
  • 20141210_1607 (Airplanes, Pump It)
  • 20141030_1806 (Problem)
  • 20141001_1330 (Addicted To You, Ain’t No Other Man, E.T.,You Can’t Hurry Love, You Spin Me Round (Like A Record))
  • 20150115_1722 (Barbra Streisand, Call Me, Fatima, Firework, SOS, Rasputin, Dynamite)
  • 20150128_1715 (Don’t Worry Be Happy, Heart Of Glass, Promiscuous, She’s Got Me Dancing)
  • 20150204_1346 (Hungarian Dance No. 5, Da Funk, Can’t Get You Out Of My Head, Hot Stuff, Pump Up The Volume, Body Movin’, Eye Of The Tiger)
  • 20150211_1152 (Diamonds, Sway (Quién Será), Why Oh Why)
  • 20150218_1001 (Epic Sirtaki, Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now), Love Is All, Never Can Say Goodbye, Take On Me, TiK ToK, Till I Find You, Walk Like An Egyptian, We No Speak Americano (Fanmade))
  • 20150302_0959 (update for older files)
  • 20150312_1219 (Boom Clap, DARE, Fame, Kung Fu Fighting, Move Your Feet, Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, Xmas Tree)
  • 20150318_1125 (Jin Go Lo Ba, Jump, Toxic, U Can’t Touch This, Who Let the Dogs Out?)
  • 20150325_1222 (Safe And Sound, Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of Monika))
  • 20150402_1655 (Teenage Dream, Barbie Girl, Funkytown, Giddy on Up (Giddy on Out))
  • 20150408_1230 (Speedy Gonzales, I Get Around, Funplex, Acceptable In The 80s)
  • 20150415_1019 (update for older files)
  • 20150416_1509 (Crazy Little Thing Called Love)
  • 20150422_1529 (Toxic (Update), Viva Las Vegas, Forget You, I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’, I Feel Love, Night Boat To Cairo, Pon de Replay)
  • 20150429_1218 (Are You Gonna Go My Way, Boogie Wonderland, Hey Boy Hey Girl, Iko Iko, Mashed Potato Time, You’re On My Mind)
  • 20150505_1450 (update for older files)
  • 20150513_1617 (Jump In The Line, Nine In The Afternoon, Pata Pata, Marcia Baila, So Good (Update))
  • 20150520_1040 (update for older files)
  • 20150527_1213 (Dark Horse, Moving On Up, Turn Up the Love (Fanmade))
  • 20150610_1446 (Little Apple, Somethin’ Stupid)
  • 20150616_0939
  • 20150617_1213 (Crying Blood, Jump (For My Love))
  • 20150703_0931 (Cotton Eye Joe, I’m So Excited)
  • 20150812_1426 (The Choice Is Yours)
  • 20150814_1338
  • 20150831_1726
  • 20150928_1740 (A Little Less Conversation, A-Punk, All About That Bass, American Boy*, Animals, Apache (Jump On It), Bebe*, Beautiful Liar, Blame, Born This Way, Born To Be Wild*, Chicken Payback*, Come On Eileen*, Crazy In Love, Dancing Diva, Girls & Boys*, I Got You (I Feel Good)*, It’s Not Unusual*, Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Holiday, High Light High Life, Jerk It Out*, Jungle Boogie*, Kids In America, Le Freak*, Let’s Go To The Mall, Louie Louie, Lump*, Maniac*, Only Girl (In The World), Pump Up The Jam*, Ring My Bell, Rockafeller skan**, Satisfaction, Should I Stay Or Should I Go*, Soul Bossa Nova*, Spice Up Your Life*, Surfin’ Bird*, Sympathy For the Devil*, Take Me Out*, The Power, The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss)*, Think, This Is How We Do, Tightrope, Ring My Bell, Venus*, Video Killed The Radio Star, Wannabe*, What You Waiting For?, Womanizer*)
  • 20161005_0958
  • 20181213_1420

The songs marked with an asterisk (*) do not have the menu squares, covers, and/or pictograms yet.

All Code Names[]


  • #thatPOWER: ThatPower (ThatPower_1598550099602)
    • Extreme Version: ThatPowerALT (ThatPowerALT_1598550263202)
    • On-Stage: ThatPowerOSCDLC (ThatPowerOSCDLC_1598550405127)
  • 1999: 1999 (1999_1671017374798)
  • 24K Magic: 24K (24K_1600079320167)
    • Extreme Version: 24KALT (24KALT_1597235144379)
  • 365: 365 (365_1590509088493)
  • 7 rings:7Rings(7Rings_1594395282721)
    • Alternate Version: 7RingsALT (7RingsALT_1594395458603)
  • 99 Luftballons: Luftballons (Luftballons_1598531799569)
  • (I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life: TheTimeOfMyLife


  • À la Folie: ALaFolie (ALaFolie_1678372450609)
  • A Little Less Conversation: Conversation
  • A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got): LittleParty (LittleParty_1556899400787)
    • Twenties Version:LittlePartyALT(LittlePartyALT_1550744541621)
  • A Pirate You Shall Be: KIDSPirateYouShallBe (KIDSPirateYouShallBe_1480500777783)
  • Acceptable In The 80s: Acceptable (Acceptable_1597235674190)
  • Accidentally In Love: KIDSAccidentallyInLove (KIDSAccidentallyInLove_1598527753918)
  • Addicted To You: AddictedToYou
    • Mashup: addictedtoyou_mashup
  • Adeyyo: Adeyyo (Adeyyo_1603889701088)
  • Adore You: AdoreYou (AdoreYou_1609777915092)
  • Ain’t My Fault: AintMy (AintMy_1597235781454)
  • Ain’t No Other Man: AintNoOtherMan
  • Airplanes: Airplanes (Airplanes_1597235902049)
  • Alexandrie Alexandra: Alexandrie (Alexandrie_1609777757332)
  • Alfonso Signorini (Eroe Nazionale): Alfonso
  • All About That Bass: AboutThatBass (AboutThatBass_1597235411959)
    • Bee & Flower Version: AboutThatBassALT (AboutThatBassALT_1597235526207)
    • Community Remix:AboutThatBassCMU
  • All About Us: AllAboutUs (AllAboutUs_1597236113319)
  • all the good girls go to hell: AllTheGoodGirls (AllTheGoodGirls_1613481167164)
  • All The Stars: AllTheStars (AllTheStars_1645023220844)
  • All You Gotta Do (Is Just Dance): AllYouGotta (AllYouGotta_1603889899167)
  • Alphabet Song: KIDSABC (KIDSABC_1598527659793)
  • Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life: AlwaysLookOn (AlwaysLookOn_1592558397817)
  • Am I Wrong: AmIWrong (AmIWrong_1598459033535)
  • Amazing Girl: MissAmazingKids (MissAmazingKids_1598535817321)
  • American Boy: AmericanBoy
  • American Girl: AmericanGirlDLC (AmericanGirlDLC_1576767449065)
  • Animals: Animals (Animals_1598459550798)
    • Extreme Version: AnimalsALT (AnimalsALT_1598459686132)
  • Another One Bites the Dust: AnotherOne (AnotherOne_1598459812559)
    • Stunt Version: AnotherOneALT (AnotherOneALT_1598459971086)
  • Apache (Jump On It): Apache (Apache_1598460111078)
  • Applause: LimaGolf1 (LimaGolf1_1598530955554)
  • A-Punk: APunk
  • Aquarius (Let The Sunshine In): Aquarius (Aquarius_1598460236278)
  • Are You Gonna Go My Way: GonnaGoMyWay
  • Aserejé (The Ketchup Song): KetchupSong (KetchupSong_1598527533553)
  • Automaton: Automaton (Automaton_1598460459940)
    • Tomato Version: AutomatonALT (AutomatonALT_1599488975469)


  • Baby Girl: BabyGirl (BabyGirl_1598468305285)
  • Baby One More Time: BabyOneMoreQUAT (BabyOneMoreQUAT_1598465372756)
  • Baby Shark:BabyShark(BabyShark_1603890047914)
  • Baby Zouk: BabyZouk (BabyZouk_1444655088830)
  • Bad Boy: BadBoy (BadBoy_1581595774501)
  • bad guy: BadGuy (BadGuy_1603108751304)
    • Billie Version: BadGuyALT (BadGuyALT_1656436922865)
  • Bad Habits: BadHabits (BadHabits_1654532797904)
  • Bad Liar: BadLiar (BadLiar_1598465478414)
  • Bad Romance: BadRomance (BadRomance_1598465580666)
    • Extreme Version: BadRomanceALT (BadRomanceALT_1647266859973)
    • Mashup: badromance_mashup
  • Baianá: Baiana (Baiana_1645025440145)
  • Bailando (Paradisio song): Bailando1997 (Bailando1997_1623685452510)
  • Bailar: Bailar (Bailar_1598465742887)
  • Balkan Blast Remix: AngryBirds (AngryBirds_1598459431764)
  • Bang: Bang (Bang_1598465824980)
  • Bang Bang: Balance (Balance_1527243293572)
  • Bang Bang Bang: Bang2019 (Bang2019_1603890135151)
    • VIPMADE: Bang2019VIP (Bang2019VIP_1603890475712)
    • Extreme:Bang2019ALT(Bang2019ALT_1603890319960)
  • Bangarang: Bangarang (Bangarang_1581596021669)
    • Extreme:BangarangALT (BangarangALT_1594384536630)
  • Barbie Girl: BarbieGirl (BarbieGirl_1550769821339)
  • Barbra Streisand: BarbraStreisand (BarbraStreisand_1594382291459)
  • Bassa Sababa: BassaSababa (BassaSababa_1581596167334)
  • Beautiful Liar: BeautifulLiar
  • Beauty And A Beat: BeautyAndABeatDLC (BeautyAndABeatDLC_1598466008285)
  • Bebe: Bebe
  • Beep Beep I’m A Sheep: BeepBeep (BeepBeep_1598466120171)
  • Believer: Believer (Believer_1633364603634)
  • Best Song Ever: BestSongEver (BestSongEver_1672316885561)
  • Better When I’m Dancin’: BetterWhen (BetterWhen_1598466190903)
  • Beware Of The Boys (Mundian To Bach Ke): BewareOf (BewareOf_1598466284368)
  • Big Girl (You Are Beautiful): BigGirl (BigGirl_1598466488625)
  • Birthday: Birthday (Birthday_1598466601995)
    • Mashup: birthday_mashup
  • Black Mamba: BlackMam (BlackMam_1655225289971)
    • Alternate Version: BlackMamALT (BlackMamALT_1656433847723)
  • Black Widow: BlackWidow (BlackWidow_1647267345402)
  • Blame: Blame (Blame_1598466802456)
  • Blame It On The Boogie: BlameIt
  • Blinding Lights BlindingLights (BlindingLights_1609777615999)
    • Extreme Version: BlindingLightsALT (BlindingLightsALT_1613499913772)
  • Blow Your Mind (Mwah): BlowYourMind (BlowYourMind_1598466902812)
  • Blue (Da Ba Dee): Blue (Blue_1598466988251)
  • Blurred Lines: BlurredLines (BlurredLines_1598467093575)
    • Extreme Version: BlurredLinesALTDLC (BlurredLinesALTDLC_1598467198461)
    • Fanmade Version: JustMaxBL (JustMaxBL_1598532654246)
  • Body Movin’ (Fatboy Slim Remix): BodyMoving
  • Bonbon: Bonbon (Bonbon_1598467393750)
  • Boogie Wonderland: BoogieWonderQUAT (BoogieWonderQUAT_1598467489059)
  • Boogiesaurus:JurassicKids(JurassicKids_1551457529409)
  • Boom: BoomDLC (BoomDLC_1598467657770)
  • Boom Boom: Copperhead (Copperhead_1598464121402)
  • Boom Clap: BoomClapDLC (BoomClapDLC_1598467582992)
  • BOOMBAYAH: Boombayah (Boombayah_1635512117008)
    • Alternate Version: BoombayahALT (BoombayahALT_1672139179692)
  • Born This Way: BornThisWay (BornThisWay_1598467729955)
    • Nerd Version: BornThisWayALT (BornThisWayALT_1598467861324)
  • Born To Be Wild:BornToBeWild (BornToBeWild_1694538093489)
  • Boss Witch (Ubisoft clean cover): BossWitch (BossWitch_1657813791486)
  • Boy, You Can Keep It: BoyYouCan (BoyYouCan_1613480950490)
  • Boys: Boys (Boys_1604569296271)
    • Alternate: BoysALT (BoysALT_1572523384924)
  • Boys (Summertime Love): BoysBoys (BoysBoys_1598467966242)
  • Break Free: BreakFreeDLC (BreakFreeDLC_1598468085534)
  • Break My Heart: BreakMyHeart (BreakMyHeart_1656436368979)
  • Bring Me to Life: BringMeToLife (BringMeToLife_1685028665310)
  • Bubble Pop!: BubblePop (BubblePop_1598468192514)
    • Bubble Gum Version: BubblePopALT (BubblePopALT_1598468359364)
  • Build a B****: BuildAB (BuildAB_1652889818284)
  • Built For This: BuiltForThis (BuiltForThis_1598468477687)
    • Mashup: builtforthis_mashup
  • Bum Bum Tam Tam: BumBumTamTam (BumBumTamTam_1556797010589)
    • Mad Scientist Version: BumBumTamTamALT (BumBumTamTamALT_1551283960805)
  • Burn: Burn (Burn_1652872329072)
  • Buscando: Buscando (Buscando_1623685610880)
    • Extreme Version: BuscandoALT (BuscandoALT_1623685753332)
  • Buttons: Buttons (Buttons_1666951008280)
    • Night Version: ButtonsALT (ButtonsALT_1673018171404)


  • C’mon: Cmon (Cmon_1598463461549)
  • Ça Plane Pour Moi:CaPlane(CaPlane_1550662626108)
  • Cake By The Ocean: CakeByTheOcean (CakeByTheOcean_1598461202343)
    • Earphones Version: CakeByTheOceanALT (CakeByTheOceanALT_1598461331292)
  • California Gurls: CaliforniaGurls (CaliforniaGurls_1598461462162)
  • Call Me: CallMe
  • Call Me Maybe: CallMeMaybe
  • Calypso: Calypso (Calypso_1551452836469)
    • Fanmade Version: CalypsoFAN (CalypsoFAN_1623760723655)
  • Candy: Candy
  • Can’t Feel My Face: CantFeelMyFace (CantFeelMyFace_1598461593799)
  • Can’t Get Enough:CantGetEnoughDLC (CantGetEnoughDLC_1598461724793)
  • Can’t Get You Out Of My Head: CantGetYou
  • Can’t Hold Us: CantHoldDLC (CantHoldDLC_1663331939550)
  • CAN’T STOP THE FEELING!: CantStopTheFeeling (CantStopTheFeeling_1668512305514)
  • Can’t Take My Eyes Off You: CantTakeMyEyes (CantTakeMyEyes_1598461966870)
    • Alternate: CantTakeMyEyesALT (CantTakeMyEyesALT_1598462105744)
  • Careless Whisper: CarelessWhisper
  • Carmen (Overture): Carmen (Carmen_1598462322109)
  • Carnaval Boom: Samba (Samba_1598545219896)
  • Cercavo Amore: Amore (Amore_1598459148828)
  • Chacarron: Chacarron (Chacarron_1648492060021)
  • Chandelier: Chandelier (Chandelier_1642672877709)
    • Contemporary Dance Version: ChandelierALT (ChandelierALT_1667300312722)
  • Chantaje: Chantaje (Chantaje_1598462429368)
    • Subway Version: ChantajeALT (ChantajeALT_1598462565011)
  • Cheap Thrills: CheapThrills (CheapThrills_1475494924055)
    • Bollywood Version: CheapThrillsALT (CheapThrillsALT_1598462702502)
  • Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix): Cheerleader (Cheerleader_1598462886584)
  • Chicken Payback:ChickenPayback (ChickenPayback_1667840023700)
  • China: China (China_1633362905632)
  • Chiwawa: Chiwawa (Chiwawa_1598463082547)
    • Remastered Version: Barbie (Barbie_1598465921930)
  • Circus: Circus (Circus_1598463183426)
    • Extreme Version: CircusALT (CircusALT_1598463324780)
  • Cola Song: ColaSong (ColaSong_1598463591140)
    • Candy People Version: ColaSongALT (ColaSongALT_1598463705031)
  • Come Back Home: ComeBackHome (ComeBackHome_1623694288389)
  • Come On Eileen:ComeOn (ComeOn_1647266409672)
  • Con Altura: ConAltura (ConAltura_1579201070169)
  • Con Calma:ConCalma(ConCalma_1581596452008)
  • Cool for the Summer: Coolos (Coolos_1598463845502)
  • Copacabana: CopaCabana (CopaCabana_1598463972109)
  • Cosmic Girl: CosmicGirl (CosmicGirl_1598464256302)
  • Cosmic Party: SpaceGirlKids (SpaceGirlKids_1543317092462)
  • Cotton Eye Joe: Cotton (Cotton_1598464359424)
  • Could You Be Loved: CouldYouBeLoved
  • Crayon: Crayon (Crayon_1654710650277)
  • Crazy Christmas: Xmas (Xmas_1598608102806)
  • Crazy In Love: CrazyInLove
  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love: CrazyLittle (CrazyLittle_1598464591607)
  • Criminal: Criminal (Criminal_1555430974896)
  • Crucified: CrucifiedQUAT (CrucifiedQUAT_1598464700393)
  • Crying Blood: CryingBlood (CryingBlood_1598464835735)


  • D.A.N.C.E.: Dance
  • Da Funk: DaFunk
  • Daddy: Daddy (Daddy_1598465064526)
    • Father/Son Version: DaddyALT (DaddyALT_1685449325572)
  • Daddy Cool: DaddyCool (DaddyCool_1598465248788)
  • Dagomba: ElectroTribalDLC (ElectroTribalDLC_1598520314239)
  • Daisy: Daisy (Daisy_1656436501569)
  • Dame Tu Cosita: DameTu (DameTu_1532088442955)
  • Dançando: Dancando
  • Dance Monkey: DanceMonkey (DanceMonkey_1609776588033)
  • Dance Of The Mirlitons: BalletKids (BalletKids_1613481650447)
  • Dancing Diva: DancingDivaCHN
  • Dancing Queen: DancingQueen (DancingQueen_1534847360632)
    • Dancefloor Version: ABBADancingQueen (ABBADancingQueen_1598456653395)
  • Dans van de Farao: DansVanDeFarao (DansVanDeFarao_1635328389190)
  • Danse (Pop Version): Danse (Danse_1598465410373)
  • Dare: Dare
  • Dark Horse: DarkHorse (DarkHorse_1671712526127)
  • Day-O (The Banana Boat Song): KIDSDayO (KIDSDayO_1598527855273)
  • DDU-DU DDU-DU: DDUDU (DDUDU_1543256116464)
  • Despacito: Despacito (Despacito_1598465519389)
    • Extreme Version: DespacitoALT (DespacitoALT_1598465663573)
  • Dharma: Dharma (Dharma_1598465805409)
    • Fight Version:DharmaALT(DharmaALT_1598465932392)
  • Diamonds: Diamonds
  • Dibby Dibby Sound: DibbyDibby (DibbyDibby_1613500317019)
  • Die Young: DieYoungDLC (DieYoungDLC_1598466066716)
  • Diggin’ in the Dirt: Diggin (Diggin_1598466222468)
  • Diggy: Diggy (Diggy_1598466366516)
  • Disco Inferno: DiscoInferno (DiscoInferno_1667495908654)
  • Disturbia: Disturbia
  • Djadja: DjaDja (DjaDja_1592567496043)
  • Domino: Domino (Domino_1598466928422)
  • Don’t Call Me Up: DontCall (DontCall_1671016246900)
  • Don’t Go Yet: DontGoYet (DontGoYet_1669295751557)
  • Don’t Let Me Down: DontLet (DontLet_1598467050598)
  • Don’t Start Now: DontStart (DontStart_1609778068301)
    • Extreme Version: DontStartALT (DontStartALT_1623688999150)
  • Don’t Stop Me Now: DontStopMe (DontStopMe_1598467212474)
    • Panda Version: DontStopMeALT (DontStopMeALT_1598467337219)
  • Don’t Wanna Know: RedMangoose (RedMangoose_1585050921050)
  • Don’t Worry: DontWorryMadcon (DontWorryMadcon_1598467592966)
  • Don’t Worry Be Happy: DontWorry (DontWorry_1598467455360)
  • Don’t You Worry Child: DontYouWorryDLC (DontYouWorryDLC_1598467734640)
  • Done For Me: DoneForMe (DoneForMe_1546442352472)
  • Down By The Riverside: RiverSide (RiverSide_1598543743501)
  • Dragostea Din Tei: DragosteaDinTei (DragosteaDinTei_1598467849613)
  • Drop the Mambo: ElectroMambo (ElectroMambo_1598520206196)
  • DRUM GO DUM: KDance (KDance_1613500733136)
  • Dynamite: DynamiteQUAT (DynamiteQUAT_1598468009556)


  • E.T.: ET (ET_1598520719038)
  • El Tiki: ElTiki (ElTiki_1598520399114)
    • Trio Version: ElTikiALT (ElTikiALT_1598520494423)
  • Epic Sirtaki: Sirtaki (Sirtaki_1598547106264)
  • Error: Error (Error_1598520606169)
  • Everybody (Backstreet's Back): Everybody (Everybody_1594383886220)
  • Everybody Needs Somebody To Love: EverybodyNeeds
  • Eye Of The Tiger: EyeOfTheTiger (EyeOfTheTiger_1598520822034)


  • Fatima: Fatima
    • Mashup: fatima_mashup
  • Fame: Fame (Fame_1598520774707)
  • Familiar: Familiar (Familiar_1551455279651)
  • Fancy (Iggy Azalea song): Fancy (Fancy_1598520908831)
    • Indian Version: FancyALT (FancyALT_1598521059692)
  • FANCY (TWICE song): FancyTwice (FancyTwice_1587746089624)
  • Fancy Footwork: Footwork (Footwork_1589976249033)
  • Fearless Pirate: FearlessPirateKids (FearlessPirateKids_1598521179928)
  • Feel it Still: FeelIt (FeelIt_1598521308916)
  • Feel So Right: FeelSoRight (FeelSoRight_1598521419183)
  • Feel Special: FeelSpecial (FeelSpecial_1613481356408)
    • Extreme Version: FeelSpecialALT (FeelSpecialALT_1633702635938)
  • Feel This Moment: FeelThisMoment
  • Fernando: ABBAFernando (ABBAFernando_1598457083998)
  • Fight Club: Sidewinder (Sidewinder_1533811841550)
  • Fine China: FineChina (FineChina_1550758834850)
    • Extreme Version:FineChinaALT (FineChinaALT_1561397565114)
  • Finesse (Remix): Finesse (Finesse_1543256490516)
    • Extreme Version:FinesseALT(FinesseALT_1550746965266)
  • Fire:Fire(Fire_1551456533307)
  • Fire On The Floor: FireOnTheDancefloor (FireOnTheDancefloor_1551284337799)
  • Firework: Firework (Firework_1598521537078)
  • Fit But You Know It: FitButYouKnow (FitButYouKnow_1581596638800)
  • Five Little Monkeys: KIDSFiveLittleMonkeys (KIDSFiveLittleMonkeys_1510054894975)
  • Flash (Just Dance Version: Flash (Flash_1623694652216)
  • Flash Pose: FlashPose (FlashPose_1666255939043)
  • Flashdance...What A Feeling: WhatAFeeling (WhatAFeeling_1598617826573)
  • Flying Carpet: CarpetKids (CarpetKids_1618587121597)
  • Follow The Leader: FollowTheLeader
  • Follow The White Rabbit: (FollowTheWhiteRabbit_1647266666632)
  • Footloose: Footloose (Footloose_1598521669208)
    • Kids Mode: FootlooseKids (FootlooseKids_1529505558394)
  • Forget You: ForgetYou (ForgetYou_1657631470307)
  • Fraggle Rock: KIDSFraggleRock (KIDSFraggleRock_1528128908902)
  • Freed From Desire: FreedFromDesire (FreedFromDesire_1666092068881)
  • Freeze Please: FreezeKids (FreezeKids_1592905938669)
  • Friendly Phantom: GhostKids (GhostKids_1550596319918)
  • Fun: Fun (Fun_1598521798957)
  • Funk: Funk (Funk_1652889557361)
  • Funhouse: FunHouseDLC
  • Funky Robot: FunkyRobotKIDS (FunkyRobotKids_1598521977122)
  • Funkytown: FunkyTown (FunkyTown_1598522080122)
  • Funplex: Funplex
  • Futebol Crazy: Futebol (Futebol_1598522206498)


  • Gangnam Style: GangnamStyleDLC (GangnamStyleDLC_1598522817286)
  • Gentleman: Gentleman (Gentleman_1598522942927)
    • Sweat Version: GentlemanSWT (GentlemanSWT_1598523039026)
  • Georgia: Georgia (Georgia_1613500447603)
  • Get Busy: GetBusy (GetBusy_1581596728114)
  • Get Get Down: GetGetDown (GetGetDown_1623689675037)
  • Get Lucky: GetLucky
  • Get On The Fire Truck: FiremenKids (FiremenKids_1652803034503)
  • Get Ugly:GetUgly (GetUgly_1598523198725)
  • Ghost In The Keys: GhostInTheKeys (GhostInTheKeys_1664207908687)
  • Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters_1598523317159)
    • Sweat Version: GhostbustersSWT (GhostbustersSWT_1598523441529)
  • Gibberish: Gibberish (Gibberish_1598523712171)
  • Giddy On Up (Giddy On Out): GiddyOnUp (GiddyOnUp_1583839088057)
  • Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight): GimmeGimme (GimmeGimme_1527089189360)
    • On-Stage: GimmeGimmeOSC (GimmeGimmeOSC_1598523990857)
    • ABBA: You Can Dance: ABBAGimmeGimme (ABBAGimmeGimme_1598457244172)
  • GIRL LIKE ME: GirlLikeMe (GirlLikeMe_1668790455784)
    • Extreme Version: GirlLikeMeALT (GirlLikeMeALT_1671210154648)
  • Girlfriend: Girlfriend (Girlfriend_1598524135086)
  • Girls And Boys: GAndB
  • Girls Just Want to Have Fun: GirlsJustWant (GirlsJustWant_1452594170038)
  • Girls Like: GirlsLike (GirlsLike_1623692092188)
  • God Is A Woman: GodIsAWoman (GodIsAWoman_1581596872046)
    • Goddess Version: GodIsAWomanALT (GodIsAWomanALT_1594382900013)
  • Gold Dust: GoldDust (GoldDust_1581333131294)
  • Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now): GonnaMake
  • Good 4 U: Good4U (Good4U_1652800660622)
  • Good Feeling: GoodFeeling (GoodFeeling_1598524398494)
    • Extreme Version: GoodFeelingALT (GoodFeelingALT_1598524511389)
  • Good Girl: GoodGirl
  • Got That: GotThat (GotThat_1598524763786)
  • Groove: Groove (Groove_1598524897243)


  • Hala Bel Khamis: HalaBel (HalaBel_1546942942591)
  • HandClap: HandClap (HandClap_1598522958905)
    • Fanmade: HandClapFAN (HandClapFAN_1664216205980)
  • Hangover (BaBaBa): Hangover (Hangover_1664208402483)
  • Happier Than Ever: HappierThanEver (HappierThanEver_1647517679127)
  • Happy: Happy (Happy_1598523327756)
    • Sing Along: HappyALT (HappyALT_1598523460075)
  • Happy Birthday: BirthdayKids (BirthdayKids_1581596273938)
  • Happy Farm: HappyFarmKIDS (HappyFarmKids_1598523587868)
  • Havana: Havana (Havana_1543311579616)
    • Tango Version:HavanaALT (HavanaALT_1551456400542)
  • Head & Heart: HeadAndHeart (HeadAndHeart_1678355211832)
  • Heart Of Glass: HeartOfGlass (HeartOfGlass_1598523802712)
  • Heartbeat Song: Heartbeat (Heartbeat_1598523676780)
  • Heat Seeker: HeatSeeker (HeatSeeker_1613482197835)
  • Heavy Cross: HeavyCross (HeavyCross_1598523949034)
  • Here Comes the Hotstepper: HotStep (HotStep_1594633608609)
  • Here Comes The Spy: SpyKids (SpyKids_1623695842573)
  • Hey Boy Hey Girl:HeyBoy
  • Hey Mama: HeyMama (HeyMama_1598524091918)
    • Geisha Version:HeyMamaALT(HeyMamaALT_1598524239883)
    • Community Remix: HeyMamaCMU
  • Hey Ya: HeyYa (HeyYa_1598524376618)
  • Hickory Dickory Dock:KIDSHickoryDickoryDock(KIDSHickoryDickoryDock_1598527956174)
  • High Hopes: HighHopes (HighHopes_1594382114086)
  • High Light High Life: HighLightCHN
  • Hips Don’t Lie: Hips (Hips_1598524500107)
    • Sumo Version: HipsALT (HipsALT_1598524632989)
  • Hit Em Up Style (Oops!): HitEmUp (HitEmUp_1598524784354)
  • Hit The Lights: HitTheLights (HitTheLights_1598524899421)
  • Hit The Road Jack: HitTheRoad (HitTheRoad_1598525048757)
    • Line Dance: HitTheRoadALT (HitTheRoadALT_1598525145823)
  • Hold My Hand: HoldMyHand (HoldMyHand_1556879859320)
  • Holding Out For A Hero:HoldingOut(HoldingOut_1598525240086)
  • Holiday: Holiday (Holiday_1598525418761)
  • Honey, Honey: ABBAHoneyHoney (ABBAHoneyHoney_1598457387693)
  • Hot N Cold: HotNCold (HotNCold_1598525533449)
  • Hot Stuff: HotStuff (HotStuff_1598525667474)
  • How Deep Is Your Love: HowDeep (HowDeep_1598525812485)
  • How Far I’ll Go: HowFar (HowFar_1598525941807)
  • Human: Human (Human_1665576877013)
  • Hungarian Dance No. 5: HungarianDance (HungarianDance_1598526054795)
  • Hype: Hype (Hype_1654689288228)


  • I Am The Best:IAmTheBest (IAmTheBest_1581597085555)
    • Extreme Version: IAmTheBestALT (IAmTheBestALT_1594383583819)
  • I Don't Care:IDontCare (IDontCare_1587658736710)
  • I Don’t Feel Like Dancing: FeelLikeDancing
  • I Feel It Coming: IFeelItComing (IFeelItComing_1550051139960)
  • I Feel Love: IFeelLove (IFeelLove_1664453245343)
  • I Get Around: GetAround (GetAround_1598523134540)
  • I Got You (I Feel Good):IGotYou
  • I Gotta Feeling: IGotAFeeling (IGotAFeeling_1598525401722)
    • Classroom Version: IGotAFeelingALT (IGotAFeelingALT_1663331671143)
    • Community Remix: IGotAFeelingCMU
  • I Kissed a Girl: IKissed (IKissed_1598525672799)
    • Sing Along: IKissedOSC (IKissedOSC_1598525765093)
    • Sweat: IKissedSWT (IKissedSWT_1598525886075)
  • I Like It (The Blackout Allstars song): ILikeItLike (ILikeItLike_1581597202550)
  • I Like It (Cardi B, Bad Bunny and J Balvin song): ILikeIt (ILikeIt_1594116998278)
  • I Like to Move It: ILikeToMoveIt
    • Just Dance Kids 2014:KIDSILikeToMoveIt(KIDSILikeToMoveIt_1598528051443)
  • I Love It: ILoveIt (ILoveIt_1652955675427)
    • Guards Dance: ILoveItALT (ILoveItALT_1671211740421)
    • Mashup: iloveit_mashup
  • I Love Rock ’N’ Roll: ILoveRock (ILoveRock_1598525971447)
  • I Luh Ya Papi: LuhYaPapiDLC
  • I Need Your Love: INeedYourLoveDLC (INeedYourLoveDLC_1598526306309)
  • I Want You Back: IWantYouBack (IWantYouBack_1598527024593)
  • I Was Made For Lovin You: IWasMadeQUAT (IWasMadeQUAT_1598527158259)
  • I Will Survive: IWillSurvive (IWillSurvive_1598527276942)
    • Sing Along: IWillSurviveOSC (IWillSurviveOSC_1598527371844)
  • I’m An Albatraoz: Albatraoz (Albatraoz_1597236003104)
    • Community Remix: AlbatraozCMU
  • I’m So Excited: SoExcited
  • I’m Still Standing: ImStillStanding (ImStillStanding_1554829305823)
  • I’ve Been Working On The Railroad: KIDSWorkingOnTheRailRoad (KIDSWorkingOnTheRailroad_1528127621554)
  • Ice Cream: Sorbet (Sorbet_1602526379103)
  • Idealistic: Idealistic (Idealistic_1598525058660)
  • Ievan Polkka: LevanPolkka (LevanPolkka_1598530589338)
    • Community Remix: LevanPolkkaCMU
  • If You Wanna Party: PARTY (PARTY_1695656567001)
  • If You’re Happy and You Know It: KIDSIfYouReHappy (KIDSIfYoureHappy_1528128701753)
  • Iko Iko: IkoIko
  • Imya 505: Imya505 (Imya505_1598526067287)
  • In the Hall of the Pixel King: 8BitRetake (8BitRetake_1597235298551)
  • In The Navy: InTheNavy (InTheNavy_1618587649486)
  • In The Summertime: Summertime
  • India Waale: IndiaWaale (IndiaWaale_1598526168377)
  • Infernal Galop (Can-Can): CanCan (CanCan_1587658432836)
  • Instruction: Instruction (Instruction_1598526398806)
  • Into the Unknown: Lullaby(Lullaby_1587658526590)
  • Into You: IntoYou (IntoYou_1598526530332)
  • Irish Meadow Dance (Just Dance 2016): SaintPatrick (SaintPatrick_1598545024792)
    • Just Dance 2019Kids: SaintPatrickKids (SaintPatrickKids_1551284635291)
  • Isidora: Zagreb (Zagreb_1598608886297)
  • Istanbul (Not Constantinople): IstanbulQUAT (IstanbulQUAT_1598526638968)
  • It’s Not Unusual: Unusual
  • It’s Raining Men: ItsRainingMen (ItsRainingMen_1598526725386)
  • It’s You: ItsYou (ItsYou_1527089354224)
    • Sweat: ItsYouSWT(ItsYouSWT_1598526943253)
  • Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini: ItsyBitsyRetake (ItsyBitsyRetake_1598526836242)


  • J’suis pas jalouse: Andy (Andy_1598459290693)
  • Jai Ho (You Are My Destiny): JaiHo (JaiHo_1600165617992)
  • Jailhouse Rock:JailHouseQUAT JailHouse (JailHouse_1598530522049)
    • Line Dance: JailHouseALT (JailHouseALT_1598530607046)
  • Jambo Mambo: JamboMambo (JamboMambo_1598530686379)
  • Je sais pas danser: Natoo (Natoo_1598537579879)
  • Jerk It Out: JerkItOut
  • Jerusalema: Jerusalema (Jerusalema_1645022848236)
  • Jin Go Lo Ba: JinGoLoBa
  • Jingle Bells: KIDSJingleBells (KIDSJingleBells_1480420850813)
    • Just Dance 2019: MerryChristmasKids (MerryChristmasKids_1542214917058)
  • John Wayne: JohnW (JohnW_1598530774566)
    • Extreme Version: JohnWALT(JohnWALT_1598530875759)
  • Joone Khodet: Joone (Joone_1613481525157)
  • Jopping: Jopping (Jopping_1642587160024)
    • Alternate Version: JoppingALT (JoppingALT_1654600273426)
  • Judas: Judas (Judas_1666964319886)
  • Juice: Juice (Juice_1613500569315)
    • Yummy Version: JuiceALT (JuiceALT_1623694480360)
    • VIP made version: JuiceVIP (JuiceVIP_1623694773821)
  • Juju On That Beat: Juju (Juju_1559639260502)
  • Jump (Kris Kross song): Jump (Jump_1694536111596)
  • Jump (Major Lazer song):JumpMaLa (JumpMaLa_1556617985365)
  • Jump (For My Love): JumpGA (JumpGA_1598532069365)
  • Jump In The Line: JumpInTheLine
  • Jungle Boogie:JungleBoogie
  • Jungle Dances: AdventurerKids (AdventurerKids_1587568445986)
  • Junto A Tì: JuntoATi (JuntoATi_1598531096219)
  • Just A Gigolo: Gigolo (Gigolo_1598523822401)
  • Just An Illusion:JustAnIllusion (JustAnIllusion_1581597297986)
  • Just Dance: JustDance(JustDance_1598531294801)
    • Sing Along: JustDanceOSC (JustDanceOSC_1598531406028)
    • Sweat: JustDanceSWTDLC(JustDanceSWTDLC_1598531536911)


  • Kaboom Pow: KaboomPow (KaboomPow_1598527171118)
  • Karaoke Forever - Future Underworld Mix: KaraokeForeverCHN (KaraokeForeverCHN_1551097456039)
  • Katti Kalandal: KattiKalandal (KattiKalandal_1598527290346)
  • Keep in Touch: KeepInTouch (KeepInTouch_1581597423594)
  • Keep on Moving: KeepOn (KeepOn_1598527404567)
  • Kick It: KickIt (KickIt_1613500975315)
    • Extreme Version: KickItALT (KickItALT_1623692477516)
  • Kids In America: KidsInA
  • Kill This Love: KillThisLove (KillThisLove_1581597527120)
    • Extreme Version: KillThisLoveALT (KillThisLoveALT_1581597660732)
  • Kiss Me More: KissMeMore (KissMeMore_1647516686533)
  • Kiss You: KissYou (KissYou_1653476708927)
    • 6 Players: KissYouSIX
    • Sweat: KissYouSWT
  • Kissing Strangers: KissingStrangers (KissingStrangers_1598528731032)
    • Charleston Version: KissingStrangersALT (KissingStrangersALT_1598528870922)
  • Kitchen Kittens: ChefKids (ChefKids_1587745682743)
  • Knowing Me, Knowing You: ABBAKnowingme (ABBAKnowingMe_1598457507575)
  • Koi: Koi (Koi_1657558569425)
  • Kool Kontact: KungFunk (KungFunk_1598529115944)
  • Kulikitaka: Kuliki (Kuliki_1602526073893)
  • Kung Fu Fighting: KungFu (KungFu_1598529008288)
  • Kurio ko uddah le jana: Kurio (Kurio_1598529246312)


  • La Bicicleta: Bicicleta (Bicicleta_1598466381395)
  • La Respuesta: LaRespuesta (LaRespuesta_1652876758568)
  • Lacrimosa: Lacrimosa (Lacrimosa_1618587783946)
  • Land Of 1000 Dances: AThousandDances (AThousandDances_1598460375449)
  • Last Christmas: LastChristmas (LastChristmas_1598529827880)
  • Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.): TGIF (TGIF_1671017311860)
  • Lay All Your Love On Me: ABBALayAllYourLove (ABBALayAllYourLove_1598457658871)
  • Le Bal Masqué: BalMasque (BalMasque_1581595896128)
  • Le Freak: LeFreak (LeFreak_1598530214095)
  • Lean On: LeanOn(LeanOn_1598529958142)
    • Scarf Version: LeanOnALT (LeanOnALT_1598530098067)
  • Leg Song: LegSongCHN (LegSongCHN_1556885174264)
  • Leila:Leila (Leila_1598530320203)
  • Let It Go: LetItGo (LetItGo_1586261915374)
    • Sing-Along: LetItGoDLC (LetItGoDLC_1556878934593)
  • Let Me Love You: BlackMamba (BlackMamba_1598466698054)
  • Let’s Go To The Mall: ToTheMall
  • Let’s Groove: LetsGroove (LetsGroove_1598530441950)
  • Let’s Save Our Planet: EcoloKids (EcoloKids_1618587285773)
  • Level Up: LevelUp (LevelUp_1652798996684)
    • VIP-Made Version: LevelUpVIP (LevelUpVIP_1656436632776)
  • Levitating: Levitating (Levitating_1635442446105)
    • Extreme Version: LevitatingALT (LevitatingALT_1652807462867)
  • Lights: Lights(Lights_1598530701871)
  • Like I Would: LikeIWould(LikeIWould_1598530831181)
  • Limbo: Limbo
  • Little Swing: LittleSwing(LittleSwing_1598531094027)
  • Little Apple: LittleAppleCHN
  • Livin’ La Vida Loca: LivinLaVidaLoca
  • Lollipop: Lollipop (Lollipop_1598531204747)
  • Louie Louie:Louie (Louie_1648660170710)
  • Love Boat: LoveBoat (LoveBoat_1598531308805)
  • Love Is All: LoveIsAll (LoveIsAll_1598531419201)
    • Mashup: loveisall_mashup
  • Love Me Again: LoveMeAgain (LoveMeAgain_1654691860234)
  • Love Story (Taylor’s Version): LoveStory (LoveStory_1653404797694)
  • Love Ward: LoveWard (LoveWard_1598531545130)
  • Love You Like A Love Song: LoveYouLike (LoveYouLike_1598531686061)
  • Lump: Lump (Lump_1571844866683)
  • Lush Life: Lush (Lush_1555431084278)


  • MA ITŪ:MaItu (MaItu_1581597892551)
  • Macarena: Macarena (Macarena_1598532841531)
  • Mad Love:MadLove (MadLove_1551456063708)
    • Extreme Version: MadLoveALT (MadLoveALT_1654177516712)
  • Magenta Riddim: Magenta (Magenta_1609777472947)
  • Magic Halloween: MagicHalloweenKids (MagicHalloweenKids_1598533147918)
  • Magical Morning: WizardKids (WizardKids_1652877878675)
  • Majesty: Majesty (Majesty_1701272199892)
  • Make It Jingle: MakeItJingle (MakeItJingle_1598533366503)
  • Make Me Feel: MakeMeFeel (MakeMeFeel_1543312736967)
  • Malibu: Malibu (Malibu_1657639674902)
  • Mama Mia:MamaMia(MamaMia_1551457712601)
  • Mamasita: Mamasita(Mamasita_1598533497699)
  • Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of Monika):Mambo5(Mambo5_1598533631647)
  • Mamma Mia: ABBAMammaMia (ABBAMammaMia_1598457800189)
  • Man Down: ManDown
  • Maneater: Maneater (Maneater_1598533786343)
  • Maps: Mad(Mad_1598533033211)
    • Mashup: mad_mashup
  • Maria: Maria
  • Marcia Baila: MarciaBaila
  • Mary Had A Little Lamb: KIDSMaryHadALittleLamb(KIDSMaryHadALittleLamb_1598528216294)
  • Mas Que Nada: MasQueNada (MasQueNada_1594835797193)
  • Mashed Potato Time: Potato (Potato_1598539886134)
  • Mayores: Mayores (Mayores_1654706194535)
  • Me And My Broken Heart: BrokenHeart(BrokenHeart_1561999651290)
  • Me Too: MeToo (MeToo_1580747541452)
  • Medicina: Medicina (Medicina_1555415139769)
    • Extreme Version:MedicinaALT (MedicinaALT_1556618141823)
  • Mi Gente: MiGente (MiGente_1598535683468)
  • Mi Mi Mi: MiMiMi (MiMiMi_1543313180119)
    • Sassy Version:MiMiMiALT (MiMiMiALT_1551461203388)
  • Miłość w Zakopanem: MiloscW (MiloscW_1551455077963)
  • Mini Yo School: SchoolyardKids (SchoolyardKids_1587568527341)
  • Miss Understood: Misunderstood (Misunderstood_1598535912474)
  • Money, Money, Money: ABBAMoneyMoney (ABBAMoneyMoney_1598457941148)
  • Monster: Monster (Monster_1623692667352)
  • Monster Mash: MonsterMash(MonsterMash_1598536042453)
  • Monsters of Jazz: MonstersAcademyKids (MonstersAcademyKids_1551453030143)
  • Montero (Call Me By Your Name): MONTERO (MONTERO_1647516908714)
  • Mood: Mood (Mood_1655119193076)
    • Alternate Version: MoodALT (MoodALT_1654888433527)
  • MORE: MORE (MORE_1666895867213)
  • Moskau: Moskau(Moskau_1598536143855)
  • Move Your Feet: MoveYourFeet(MoveYourFeet_1598607165701)
  • Movement Is Happiness (Find Your Thing): FindYourMove(FindYourMove_1527090715855)
  • Moves LIke Jagger: MovesLikeDLC (MovesLikeDLC_1598536291802)
  • Moving On Up: MovingOnUp
  • Mr. Blue Sky: MrBlueSky (MrBlueSky_1657726705292)
  • Mr. Saxobeat: MrSaxobeat (MrSaxobeat_1598536583265)
  • Mugsy Baloney: MugsyBaloney (MugsyBaloney_1556902018699)
  • My Friend The Dragon: MedievalKids (MedievalKids_1587410889692)
  • My Main Girl: MainGirlDLC (MainGirlDLC_1598533256804)
  • My New Swag: Swag (Swag_1594383067741)
  • My Way: Reebok (Reebok_1654600993183)


  • Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels (Just Dance Version): NailsHipsJD (NailsHipsJD_1677589775791)
  • Narco:Narco (Narco_1574436964102)
  • Naughty Girl: NaughtyGirl (NaughtyGirl_1598537740339)
  • Never Can Say Goodbye: NeverCanSay(NeverCanSay_1527089460975)
    • Mashup: nevercansay_mashup
  • Never Gonna Give You Up: NeverGonna (NeverGonna_1594383749295)
  • New Face: NewFace (NewFace_1598537879508)
  • New Reality:NewReality (NewReality_1551456297692)
  • New Rules:NewRules (NewRules_1551457604109)
    • Extreme Version:NewRulesALT (NewRulesALT_1555415553362)
  • New World: NewWorld (NewWorld_1573127563423)
    • VIPMADE: NewWorldALT (NewWorldALT_1594384259177)
  • Night Boat To Cairo: NightBoatQUAT
  • Nine In The Afternoon: NineAfternoon (NineAfternoon_1598538019627)
  • Nitro Bot: RobotRock (RobotRock_1598543844108)
  • No Control: NoControl(NoControl_1598538150216)
  • No Lie: NoLie (NoLie_1529579449128)
  • No Limit: NoLimit (NoLimit_1598538314195)
  • No Tears Left To Cry:NoTearsLeft(NoTearsLeft_1570645706647)
  • Not Your Ordinary: NotYourOrdinary (NotYourOrdinary_1551454979368)


  • Oath: Oath (Oath_1598538467481)
  • Obsesión: ObsessionRetake (ObsessionRetake_1551284437736)
  • Oh No!: OhNo (OhNo_1598538600022)
  • Oishii Oishii: Oishii (Oishii_1598538762140)
  • Old Town Road (Remix): OldTownRoad (OldTownRoad_1581598052239)
    • Line Dance Version: OldTownRoadALT (OldTownRoadALT_1592473571779)
  • OMG:OMG (OMG_1551455927188)
    • Extreme Version:OMGALT(OMGALT_1550050919908)
  • On Ne Porte Pas Des Sous-Vêtements: OnNePortePas (OnNePortePas_1546940812381)
  • On The Floor: OnTheFloor (OnTheFloor_1685029090514)
  • Ona tańczy dla mnie: OnaTanczyDlaMnie (OnaTanczyDlaMnie_1598538894572)
  • One Kiss: OneKiss (OneKiss_1551350736052)
  • One Thing: OneThingDLC
  • One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks): OneWayDLC (OneWayDLC_1598539007989)
  • Only Girl (In The World): OnlyGirl
  • Only You (And You Alone): OnlyYou (OnlyYou_1672160154430)
  • Oops!...I Did It Again: IDidItAgainQUAT (IDidItAgainQUAT_1598525164625)


  • Pac Man: PacMan (PacMan_1551453101516)
  • Paca Dance: PacaDance (PacaDance_1609777024737)
  • Panini: Panini (Panini_1633361593934)
  • Part of Me: PartOfMeDLC (PartOfMeDLC_1598539507809)
  • Party Rock Anthem: PartyRock (PartyRock_1598539649397)
  • Pata Pata: PataPata
  • Peanut Butter Jelly:Peanut (Peanut_1561474522960)
  • Pixie Land: PixieLandKids (PixieLandKids_1598539782498)
  • Po Pi Po: PoPiPo(PoPiPo_1496940522040)
  • Policeman: Policeman (Policeman_1581598260121)
  • POP/STARS: PopStars (PopStars_1666899515073)
  • Positions: Positions (Positions_1645099118343)
  • Poster Girl: Siargo (Siargo_1666013726507)
  • Pound The Alarm: PoundTheAlarm(PoundTheAlarm_1527089609259)
    • Extreme: PoundTheAlarmALTDLC (PoundTheAlarmALTDLC_1598540001114)
  • Price Tag: PriceTag
  • Primadonna: PrimaDonna (PrimaDonna_1598540121333)
  • Pon de Replay: Pon
  • Prince Ali: PrinceAli(PrinceAli_1598540248468)
  • Problem: Problem (Problem_1652872868589)
    • Mashup: problem_mashup
  • Professor Pumplestickle: ProfesseurDLC(ProfesseurDLC_1598540386133)
  • Promiscuous: Promiscuous(Promiscuous_1598540495780)
  • Proud Mary: ProudMary (ProudMary_1580730744792)
  • Pump It: PumpIt
  • Pump Up The Jam:PumpUpTheJam
  • Pump Up The Volume: PumpUp (PumpUp_1654692164642)


  • Que Tire Pa Lante: QueTirePaLante (QueTirePaLante_1602526523291)


  • Rabiosa: Rabiosa (Rabiosa_1598543053447)
    • Latin Fitness Version: RabiosaALT (RabiosaALT_1598543179665)
  • RADICAL: Radical (Radical_1598543354113)
    • Helmet Version: RadicalALT (RadicalALT_1556820304483)
  • Radioactive: Radioactive (Radioactive_1681924152477)
  • Rain On Me: RainOnMe (RainOnMe_1621881965272)
  • Rain Over Me: RainOverMe (RainOverMe_1581598366566)
    • Extreme Version: RainOverMeALT (RainOverMeALT_1587557661780)
  • Rare: Rare (Rare_1618588189945)
    • Fairy Version: RareALT (RareALT_1623750133449)
  • Rasputin: Rasputin (Rasputin_1598543485724)
  • Rave in the Grave: RaveIn (RaveIn_1571069191082)
  • Rhythm Of The Night: Rhythm (Rhythm_1551878103024)
  • Rich Girl: RichGirl
  • Ring My Bell: RingMyBell
  • Risky Business: RiskyBusiness (RiskyBusiness_1598543625565)
  • Roar: KiloPapaDLC (KiloPapaDLC_1598528598848)
  • Rock Lobster: RockLobster
  • Rock 'n Roll Princess: BadAssPrincessKids (BadAssPrincessKids_1609776942939)
  • Rock N Roll (Avril Lavigne song): RockNRollDLC (RockNRollDLC_1598544234746)
  • Rock n’ Roll (Will Take You to the Mountain): RockNRoll (RockNRoll_1598544141477)
  • Rock Your Body: RockYourBody (RockYourBody_1635443464004)
  • Rockabye: Rockabye (Rockabye_1598543975793)
  • Rockafeller skan*:Rockafeller (Rockafeller_1550770238227)
  • Run the Night: RunTheNight (RunTheNight_1598548992057)
  • Run the World (Girls): WhoRun (WhoRun_1657813506532)
  • Runaway (U & I): Runaway (Runaway_1623695106394)


  • S.O.S (Just Dance 2): SOS
  • Safe And Sound: SafeAndSound (SafeAndSound_1527089759673)
  • Samba De Janeiro: SambaDeJaneiro (SambaDeJaneiro_1623695347715)
    • Samba Version: SambaDeJaneiroALT (SambaDeJaneiroALT_1623695516799)
  • Same Old Love: Stargate
  • Sangria Wine:SangriaWine(SangriaWine_1573552986562)
  • Satellite: Satellite (Satellite_1594835927456)
  • Save Your Tears (Remix): SaveYourTears (SaveYourTears_1642672266760)
  • Satisfaction (Isak Original Extended): Satisfaction
  • Sax: Sax (Sax_1598545359205)
  • Say So: SaySo (SaySo_1609777289648)
  • Sayonara: SayonaraRetake (SayonaraRetake_1598545496633)
  • Scream & Shout: ScreamNShout (ScreamNShout_1557225743522)
    • Extreme Version: ScreamNShoutALT (ScreamNShoutALT_1557750435984)
  • Señorita: Senorita (Senorita_1609776800716)
  • September: September (September_1598545670302)
    • (Disco Fitness Version: SeptemberALT (SeptemberALT_1598545799330)
  • Sexy And I Know It: SexyAndIKnowItDLC (SexyAndIKnowItDLC_1598545922155)
    • Community Remix: SexyAndIKnowItCMU
  • Shaky Shaky: Shaky (Shaky_1543316346701)
  • Shape Of You: ShapeOfYou (ShapeOfYou_1598546056949)
  • She’s Got Me Dancing: GotMeDancing (GotMeDancing_1598524652035)
  • She Wolf (Falling To Pieces): SheWolf
  • Shinobi Cat:NinjaKids(NinjaKids_1551461127246)
  • Shut Up and Dance:ShutUp (ShutUp_1598546208070)
  • Side to Side: SideTo (SideTo_1598546703291)
    • Cycling Version: SideToALT (SideToALT_1598546822897)
  • Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It): SingleLadies (SingleLadies_1598546985690)
  • Skibidi: Skibidi (Skibidi_1594382756897)
  • Slumber Party: SlumberParty (SlumberParty_1555425947737)
  • Smalltown Boy: SmalltownBoy (SmalltownBoy_1652874351451)
  • Smile (Улыбайся): Ulibayssia (Ulibayssia_1598606281820)
  • Só Depois do Carnaval: DoCarnaval (DoCarnaval_1594395094416)
  • So Glamorous: GlamorousCusto (GlamorousCusto_1598524308521)
  • So Good: SoGood
  • So What: SoWhat
  • Somethin’ Stupid: SomethinStupid (SomethinStupid_1598547256969)
  • Song 2: Song2
  • Sorry: Sorry (Sorry_1598547437432)
    • Extreme Version: SorryALT (SorryALT_1598547534351)
  • SOS (ABBA: You Can Dance): ABBASOS (ABBASOS_1598458056712)
  • Soul Bossa Nova: SoulBossaNova (SoulBossaNova_1580483715336)
  • Soul Searchin’: SoulSearch (SoulSearch_1598547666769)
  • Soy Yo:SoyYo(SoyYo_1581598475652)
    • Snake Version: SoyYoALT (SoyYoALT_1594382621949)
  • Space Cat: ChasmonauteKids (ChasmonauteKids_1618587201336)
  • Spectronizer: SpectronizerQUAT (SpectronizerQUAT_1598547776876)
  • Speedy Gonzalez: Speedy
  • Spice Up Your Life:SpiceUp
  • Stadium Flow: StadiumFlow (StadiumFlow_1598547961917)
    • Fanmade: StadiumFlowFAN (StadiumFlowFAN_1602527887343)
  • Starships: Starships (Starships_1598548905890)
    • Charleston Version: StarshipsALT (StarshipsALT_1559639577724)
  • Step By Step: StepByStep (StepByStep_1598549036203)
  • Stop Drop Roll: StopDropAndRoll (StopDropAndRoll_1667304201996)
  • Stop Movin’: StopMovin (StopMovin_1587480099569)
  • Stuck On A Feeling: StuckOnAFeeling (StuckOnAFeeling_1598549178683)
  • Stupid Love: StupidLove (StupidLove_1623695934904)
  • Sua Cara: SuaCara (SuaCara_1657639300193)
    • Limo Version: SuaCaraALT (SuaCaraALT_1657558020833)
  • Sucker: Sucker (Sucker_1669991935523)
  • Sugar:Sugar (Sugar_1592836013745)
  • Sugar Dance: SugarDance (SugarDance_1598549312429)
  • Summer: Summer (Summer_1598549479721)
    • Sweat Version: SummerALT (SummerALT_1598549601795)
  • Sun: Sun (Sun_1598609617456)
  • Super Bass: SuperBass (SuperBass_1598549829976)
  • Super Trouper: ABBASuperTrooper (ABBASuperTrooper_1598458188285)
  • Superstition: Superstition (Superstition_1598549976518)
  • Surfin’ Bird: SurfinBird
  • Sushi: Sushii (Sushii_1581598661405)
    • Extreme Version: SushiiALT (SushiiALT_1581598769464)
  • Sway (Quién Será): Sway(Sway_1598550125138)
  • Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing: SweetLittle (SweetLittle_1551351471903)
  • Sweet Sensation: SweetSensation (SweetSensation_1551454351909)
  • Swish Swish: SwishSwish (SwishSwish_1598550314965)
    • VIPMADE: SwishSwishALT (SwishSwishALT_1555412317362)
  • Sympathy For The Devil: SympathyDevil


  • Take A Chance On Me: ABBATakeAChance (ABBATakeAChance_1598458313916)
  • Take Me Out: TakeMeOut(TakeMeOut_1598549108800)
  • Take On Me: TakeOnMe(TakeOnMe_1598549225804)
  • Taki Taki: TakiTaki (TakiTaki_1589900090530)
    • Caveman Version: TakiTakiALT (TakiTakiALT_1594383419158)
  • Tales Of The Desert: TheExplorerKids (TheExplorerKids_1551455849275)
  • Talk: Talk (Talk_1581598895386)
    • Extreme Version: TalkALT (TalkALT_1583225600752)
  • Taste The Feeling: TasteTheFeeling(TasteTheFeeling_1598549349950)
    • Olympics Version: TasteTheFeelingALT (TasteTheFeelingALT_1598549463300)
  • Te Dominar: TeDominar(TeDominar_1598549835770)
  • Teacher: Teacher(Teacher_1598549572068)
    • Car Version: TeacherALT(TeacherALT_1598549698443)
  • Teenage Dream: TeenageDream(TeenageDream_1598549979010)
  • Tel Aviv: TelAviv (TelAviv_1587557847362)
  • Temperature: Temperature (Temperature_1618588340633)
    • Extreme Version: TemperatureALT (TemperatureALT_1623696103702)
  • Tetris: Tetris (Tetris_1655228910129)
  • That’s Not My Name: ThatsNotMyName (ThatsNotMyName_1530709985369)
  • That’s The Way (I Like It): ThatsTheWay(ThatsTheWay_1598550588186)
  • The Choice Is Yours: TheChoice (TheChoice_1598550703434)
    • Community Remix: TheChoiceCMU
  • The Color Lab: BubblesKids (BubblesKids_1613500073556)
  • The Final Countdown: TheFinalCountdown(TheFinalCountdown_1598550831280)
  • The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?): TheFox (TheFox_1688402051077)
  • The Frog Concert:BandmasterKids(BandmasterKids_1587746401676)
  • The Greatest: TheGreatest(TheGreatest_1598550973017)
  • The Lazy Song: TheLazySong
  • The Lion Sleeps Tonight: KIDSTheLionSleepsTonight (KIDSTheLionSleepsTonight_1556814668109)
  • The Master Blaster: MasterBlaster(MasterBlaster_1598607031755)
  • The Other Side: OtherSide(OtherSide_1598539317265)
  • The Other Side (from Trolls World Tour): OtherSideSZA (OtherSideSZA_1618587915283)
  • The Power: Power
  • The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss):ShoopShoop
  • The Time (Dirty Bit): TheTime (TheTime_1581599147800)
    • Extreme Version: TheTimeALT (TheTimeALT_1594382426057)
  • The Way: TheWay(TheWay_1598551201370)
  • The Way I Are: TheWayIAre (TheWayIAre_1623696282186)
  • The Way I Are (Dance With Somebody): Cottonmouth (Cottonmouth_1598464460137)
  • The Weekend: TheWeekend (TheWeekend_1613482050070)
  • The Winner Takes It All: ABBATheWinner (ABBATheWinner_1598458465463)
  • The World Is Ours: TheWorldDLC(TheWorldDLC_1598551324674)
  • There Is Nothing Better In The World: Bremen (Bremen_1546940726091)
  • These Boots Are Made For Walking: TheseBoots(TheseBoots_1598551098968)
  • Think: Think
  • Think About Things: ThinkAboutThings (ThinkAboutThings_1671121835816)
  • This is Halloween: HalloweenQUAT (HalloweenQUAT_1598522818306)
  • This Is How We Do: ThisIsHow(ThisIsHow_1598551428342)
    • Aerobics Version: ThisIsHowALT (ThisIsHowALT_1598551581498)
    • Fanmade: ThisIsHowFAN(ThisIsHowFAN_1472805410884)
  • Thumbs: Thumbs (Thumbs_1598551878869)
  • Tico Tico no Fubá: TicoTico(TicoTico_1598552021121)
  • Tightrope: Tightrope
  • TiK ToK: TikTok(TikTok_1598552183414)
  • Till I Find You: FindYou(FindYou_1527089937113)
  • Till The World Ends: TillTheWorldEnds(TillTheWorldEnds_1623752142916)
    • Extreme Version: TillTheWorldEndsALT(TillTheWorldEndsALT_1623696874120)
  • Timber: TimberDLC (TimberDLC_1665156406936)
  • Time Warp: TimeWarpQUAT (TimeWarpQUAT_1598552301110)
  • Titanium: Titanium (Titanium_1598552431567)
  • Toxic: Toxic
  • Toy: TOY (TOY_1551455172911)
  • Tribal Dance: TribalDance(TribalDance_1598552568997)
    • With A Katana: TribalDanceALT(TribalDanceALT_1469196639825)
  • Troublemaker: Troublemaker (Troublemaker_1672150376756)
  • Tumbum: TumBum (TumBum_1598552827884)
    • Extreme Version: TumBumALT (TumBumALT_1598552978034)
  • Turn Up The Love: TurnUpTheLove (TurnUpTheLove_1444655629308)
    • Sumo Version: TurnUpTheLoveALT (TurnUpTheLoveALT_1559639126523)
    • Fanmade: TurnUpTheLoveFAN(TurnUpTheLoveFAN_1598553128090)
  • Tusa: Tusa (Tusa_1623697061573)
  • Twist and Shake It: TwistShakeIt(TwistShakeIt_1598553258960)


  • U Can’t Touch This: CantTouchThis (CantTouchThis_1598462222744)
  • U.S.A.: USA (USA_1623697374547)
  • Ugly Beauty (​怪美的​): UglyBeauty (UglyBeauty_1581599291110)
  • Umbrella: Umbrella
  • Un Poco Loco: PocoLoco (PocoLoco_1543315831288)
  • Under the Sea: UnderTheSea (UnderTheSea_1598606421190)
  • UNO: Uno (Uno_1623697222490)
  • Uptown Funk: UptownFunk (UptownFunk_1598606568692)
    • Tuxedo Version: UptownFunkALT (UptownFunkALT_1598606758586)
  • Us Under The Sunshine: UnderTheSunshineCHN


  • Viva Las Vegas: VivaLasVegas
  • Venus: VenusB (VenusB_1561999556031)
  • Video Killed The Radio Star: VideoKilled
  • Vodovorot: Vodovorot (Vodovorot_1598435403067)
  • Volar: Volar (Volar_1618588472685)
  • Voulez-Vous: ABBAVoulezVous (ABBAVoulezVous_1598458613216)


  • Waka Waka (This Time for Africa): WakaWaka (WakaWaka_1598606712236)
    • Football Version: WakaWakaALT (WakaWakaALT_1598606833001)
    • Kids Version: WakaWakaKIDS (WakaWakaKids_1532434505735)
  • Wake Me Up: WakeMeUpDLC (WakeMeUpDLC_1598607128393)
  • Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go: WakeMeUp (WakeMeUp_1598609911465)
    • From The Emoji Movie: WakeMeUpALT (WakeMeUpALT_1533637198851)
  • Waking Up In Vegas: WakingUp (WakingUp_1557766860990)
  • Walk Like An Egyptian: WalkLike (WalkLike_1598617195466)
  • Walk This Way: WalkThisWay (WalkThisWay_1598607389454)
    • Old School Version: WalkThisWayALT (WalkThisWayALT_1598607524917)
  • Walking on Sunshine: WalkingOnSunshine (WalkingOnSunshine_1699616535755)
  • Wannabe: Wannabe
  • Want To Want Me: WantToWantMe (WantToWantMe_1598617315549)
    • Couple Version: WantToWantmeALT (WantToWantMeALT_1598608052294)
  • Want U Back: WantUBack (WantUBack_1598617448943)
  • Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae): NaeNae (NaeNae_1598537315509)
    • Family Battle Version: NaeNaeALT (NaeNaeALT_1598537441807)
  • Water Me: WaterMe (WaterMe_1551461496258)
    • Tennis Version:WaterMeALT (WaterMeALT_1550050782414)
  • Waterloo: ABBAWaterloo (ABBAWaterloo_1598458764014)
  • Waterval: Langkawi (Langkawi_1652802800291)
  • We Go Well Together:KIDSWeGoWellTogether (KIDSWeGoWellTogether_1598528402260)
  • We Can’t Stop: WeCantStopDLC
  • We No Speak Americano: Americano (Americano_1597236267341)
    • Fanmade: AmericanoFAN (AmericanoFAN_1597236379702)
  • We R Who We R: WeRWhoWeRDLC (WeRWhoWeRDLC_1598617576263)
  • What About Love: WhatAboutLoveDLC (WhatAboutLoveDLC_1598617693434)
  • What Is Love: WhatIsLove (WhatIsLove_1598609043944)
    • Car Version: WhatIsLoveALT (WhatIsLoveALT_1598609152333)
  • What Lovers Do: WhatLoversDo (WhatLoversDo_1528896069456)
  • What Makes You Beautiful: WhatMakesYouBeautiful
  • What You Waiting For?: WhatYouWait
  • Wheels on The Bus: KIDSWheelsOnTheBus (KIDSWheelsOnTheBus_1598528507722)
  • When The Rain Begins To Fall: WhenTheRain (WhenTheRain_1598609301780)
  • Where Are You Now?:WhereAreYou (WhereAreYou_1550051301850)
    • Hide-and-seek Version:WhereAreYouALT (WhereAreYouALT_1550082197856)
  • Where Have You Been: WhereHaveYou
  • Wherever I Go: WhereverIGo (WhereverIGo_1598609785113)
  • White Noise: WhiteNoise (WhiteNoise_1592834273252)
  • Who Let the Dogs Out?: DogsOut (DogsOut_1598522294471)
  • Why Oh Why: WhyOWhy
  • Wild: Wild (Wild_1444655669007)
  • Wild Wild West: WildWildWestQUAT
  • Wiliam Tell Overture: WilliamTell (WilliamTell_1598609144842)
  • Without Me: WithoutMe (WithoutMe_1624295228673)
    • Extreme Version: WithoutMeALTRETAKE (WithoutMeALTRETAKE_1685029760162)
  • Womanizer: Womanizer (Womanizer_1654533104360)
  • Work Work: WorkWork (WorkWork_1567768668774)
    • Extreme Version:WorkWorkALT (WorkWorkALT_1550603941669)
  • Worth It: WorthIt (WorthIt_1598609266331)
    • Extreme Crew: WorthItALT (WorthItALT_1598609421300)
  • Wouldn’t It Be Nice: BeNice (BeNice_1699468171120)


  • X: EQUIS (EQUIS_1633597901746)
  • Xmas Tree: BollywoodXmas (BollywoodXmas_1598467298160)


  • Y.M.C.A.: YMCA (YMCA_1598608215610)
  • Yameen Yasar: HabibiYaeni (HabibiYaeni_1618587505611)
    • Extreme Version:HabibiYaeniALT (HabibiYaeniALT_1623692265460)
  • YO LE LLEGO: YoLeLlego (YoLeLlego_1623697569053)
  • You Can Dance: YouCanDance (YouCanDance_1671207414834)
  • You Can’t Hurry Love: CantHurryLove (CantHurryLove_1598461856067)
  • You Don’t Know Me: DontKnowMe (DontKnowMe_1561474431353)
  • You Make Me Feel...: YouMakeMeFeelDLC (YouMakeMeFeelDLC_1598608374838)
  • You Never Can Tell: YouNeverCan (YouNeverCan_1527090596858)
  • You Spin Me Round (Like A Record): SpinMeRound (SpinMeRound_1529323274875)
  • You’re On My Mind: OnMyMind (OnMyMind_1598539122382)
  • You’re The First, The Last, My Everything: YouReTheFirst (YouReTheFirst_1601892981848)
  • You’re The One That I Want: YoureTheOne (YoureTheOne_1598608638548)
  • You’ve Got A Friend In Me: FriendInMe (FriendInMe_1613482327483)
  • YOUTH: Youth (Youth_1598608773446)


  • Zenit: Zenit (Zenit_1623697727640)
  • Zooby Doo: ZoobyDoo (ZoobyDoo_1687953670244)

All Avatar Numbers[]

  1. Disco Ball Avatar: Common
  2. Blank Page:0
  3. DARE: 1
  4. Who Let The Dogs Out: 2
  5. Eye Of The Tiger: 3
  6. I Get Around: 4
  7. Hot N Cold: 5
  8. I Like To Move It: 6
  9. Jin Go Lo Ba: 7
  10. Ring My Bell: 8
  11. Nine In The Afternoon P2: 9
  12. Baby Girl: 10
  13. Call Me: 11
  14. Chicken Payback: 12
  15. Come On Eileen P2: 13
  16. Cosmic Girl: 14
  17. Dagomba: 15
  18. Firework: 16
  19. Funkytown: 17
  20. Hey Ya: 18
  21. Here Comes The Hotstepper: 19
  22. I Got You: 20
  23. Jump In The Line P2: 21
  24. Katti Kalandal P2: 22
  25. Katti Kalandal P1: 23
  26. Kung Fu Fighting P1: 24
  27. Monster Mash: 25
  28. Wild Wild West P2: 26
  29. The Power: 27
  30. Professor Pumpistickle P1: 28
  31. Pump Up The Volume: 29
  32. Rasputin: 30
  33. Rockafeller skan*: 31
  34. Should I Stay or Should I Go: 32
  35. Song 2 C1: 33
  36. Song 2 C2: 34
  37. Spice Up Your Life P2: 35
  38. Sway P2: 36
  39. Sympathy For The Devil: 37
  40. Toxic: 38
  41. Viva Las Vegas: 39
  42. When I Grow Up: 40
  43. Crazy Christmas: 41
  44. Land Of 1000 Dances: 42
  45. Apache: 43
  46. Hot Stuff P2: 44
  47. California Gurls: 45
  48. Da Funk P1: 46
  49. Dynamite P2: 47
  50. I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’: 48
  51. She’s Got Me Dancing: 49
  52. This Is Halloween P2/Professor Pumpistickle P2: 50
  53. This Is Halloween P3: 51
  54. This Is Halloween P4: 52
  55. Hey Boy Hey Girl: 53
  56. I Feel Love: 54
  57. I Was Made For Lovin You P1: 55
  58. Marcia Baila: 56
  59. Night Boat To Cairo P2: 57
  60. Party Rock Anthem: 58
  61. I’m So Excited: 59
  62. Somethin’ Stupid P2: 60
  63. Spectronizer P3: 61
  64. Tightrope: 62
  65. Let’s Go To The Mall: 63
  66. Video Killed The Radio Star: 64
  67. What You Waitin For?: 65
  68. We No Speak Americano: 66
  69. Beware Of The Boys P1: 67
  70. Beware Of The Boys P2: 68
  71. Can’t Take My Eyes Off You P2: 69
  72. The Final Countdown P1/Can’t Take My Eyes Off You (Alternate): 70
  73. Crucified P1: 71
  74. Crucified P4: 72
  75. Crucified P3: 73
  76. Diggin In The Dirt: 74
  77. Disturbia: 75
  78. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love P1: 76
  79. Funhouse: 77
  80. Gangnam Style P2 (C1): 78
  81. Oops! I Did It Again... P2: 79
  82. Istanbul P1: 80
  83. Istanbul P3: 81
  84. Brand New Start: 82
  85. Livin La Vida Loca: 83
  86. Love You Like A Love Song: 84
  87. What Makes You Beautiful P2: 85
  88. Maneater: 86
  89. Moves Like Jagger: 87
  90. Mr Saxobeat: 88
  91. Never Gonna Give You Up: 89
  92. Rock Lobster P1: 90
  93. Rock Lobster P2: 91
  94. Rock N Roll: 92
  95. Crazy Little Thing: 93
  96. So What: 94
  97. Super Bass: 95
  98. Aerobics In Space: 96
  99. Time Warp P2: 97
  100. Time Warp P4: 98
  101. Wild Wild West P2: 99
  102. Wild Wild West P3: 100
  103. Wild Wild West P4: 101
  104. You Make Me Feel...: 102
  105. You’re The First, The Last, My Everything P1: 103
  106. Follow The Leader: 104
  107. I Kissed A Girl: 105
  108. I Will Survive: 106
  109. Nitro Bot P1: 107
  110. She Wolf: 108
  111. Troublemaker: 109
  112. Flashdance...What A Feeling: 110
  113. Where Have You Been: 111
  114. All I Want For Christmas Is You: 112
  115. Fine China: 113
  116. Love Boat: 114
  117. Nitro Bot P2: 115
  118. Starships: 116
  119. Aquarius P1: 117
  120. Aquarius P2: 118
  121. Blame It On The Boogie: 119
  122. Candy P2: 120
  123. Careless Whisper P1: 121
  124. C’mon P2: 122
  125. Could You Be Loved: 123
  126. Just A Gigolo P1: 124
  127. Just A Gigolo P2: 125
  128. Kiss You P1 (6-Players): 126
  129. Kiss You P2: 127
  130. Limbo P1: 128
  131. Limbo P2: 129
  132. Moskau P1: 130
  133. Pound The Alarm P3: 131
  134. #thatPOWER P2: 132
  135. Turn Up The Love P1: 133
  136. Alfonso Signorini: 134
  137. Blurred Lines P1: 135
  138. Dançando: 136
  139. Danse: 137
  140. Feel So Right: 138
  141. Feel This Moment: 139
  142. Gentleman: 140
  143. Get Lucky P2: 141
  144. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 142
  145. It’s You 143
  146. Just Dance: 144
  147. Applause: 145
  148. 99 Luftballoons P1: 146
  149. María: 147
  150. Miss Understood: 148
  151. Rich Girl: 149
  152. Safe And Sound: 150
  153. In The Summertime P3: 151
  154. The Way P2: 152
  155. Waking Up In Vegas: 153
  156. Wild: 154
  157. Isidora: 155
  158. Watch_Dogs: 156
  159. Assassins Creed: 157
  160. Ghost Recon: 158
  161. Beyond Good And Evil: 159
  162. Hambo: 160
  163. Far Cry: 161
  164. Raving Rabbid: 162
  165. Splinter Cell: 163
  166. Far Cry 3: 164
  167. ZombiU: 165
  168. The Fox P2: 166
  169. Never Can Say Goodbye: 167
  170. I Love It: 168
  171. Love Me Again: 169
  172. Built For This: 170
  173. Happy: 171
  174. You Spin Me Round: 172/10190
  175. Burn: 173
  176. Fatima: 174
  177. I Luh Ya Papi: 175
  178. Summer: 176
  179. Epic Sirtaki: 177
  180. Walk This Way P2: 178
  181. Dancing Queen P2: 179
  182. Don’t Worry Be Happy P1: 180
  183. You Never Can Tell P2: 181
  184. Mahna Mahna P3: 182
  185. Ain’t No Mountain High Enough P2: 183
  186. Papaoutai P1: 184
  187. Tetris P4: 185
  188. Speedy Gonzalez P2: 186
  189. Love Is All P2: 187
  190. Bad Romance P2: 188
  191. Only You P1: 189
  192. Dark Horse P2: 190
  193. Papaoutai (African Dance): 191
  194. Macarena P4: 192
  195. XMas Tree P2: 193
  196. The Fox (Campfire Dance) P1: 194
  197. I Love It (Guards Dance) P1: 195
  198. 4x4 P4: 196
  199. Addicted To You: 197
  200. Bad Romance (Official Choreo): 198
  201. Bailando P1: 199
  202. Bang Bang P2: 200
  203. Best Song Ever P4: 201
  204. Birthday: 202
  205. Black Widow: 203
  206. Me And My Broken Heart: 204
  207. Diamonds: 205
  208. Till I Find You: 206
  209. Movement Is Happiness: 207
  210. Get Low P1: 208
  211. Happy (Sing Along) P1: 209
  212. Holding Out For A Hero: 210
  213. It’s My Birthday P3: 211
  214. It’s My Birthday (Bollywood Dance): 212
  215. Kiss Kiss: 213
  216. Let It Go (Representative): 214
  217. Maps: 215
  218. Problem: 216
  219. She Looks So Perfect P2: 217
  220. Bang Bang P2: 218
  221. Walk This Way (Old School Dance): 219
  222. Diamonds (Seated Dance Representative): 220
  223. Gold Medal: 221
  224. Pound The Alarm: 222
  225. Can’t Hold Us: 223
  226. Till I Find You: 224
  227. We Can’t Stop: 225
  228. Wake Me Up: 226
  229. Blurred Lines (Extreme): 227
  230. Holding Out For A Hero: 228
  231. The Other Side: 229
  232. It's My Birthday (Bollywood Version): 230
  233. Kiss Kiss: 231
  234. Let It Go: 232
  235. Maps: 234
  236. Problem: 235
  237. She Looks So Perfect; 236
  238. Summer (Fitness Dance):237
  239. Walk This Way (Extreme Version): 238
  240. Xmas Tree P1: 239
  241. Pound The Alarm (Extreme): 242
  242. Roar: 244
  243. Wake Me Up C1: 246
  244. Blurred Lines (Extreme): 247
  245. The Other Side: 249
  246. I Gotta Feeling: 250
  247. Blame: 251
  248. Animals P2: 252
  249. Let's Groove P2: 253
  250. William Tell Overture P2: 254
  251. Born This Way P2: 255
  252. Hangover (BaBaBa) P2: 256
  253. Circus P3: 257
  254. Uptown Funk: 258
  255. These Boots Are Made For Walkin’: 259
  256. Hit The Road Jack P2: 263
  257. Irish Meadow Dance P1: 264
  258. Teacher: 265
  259. Teacher (Car) P2: 266
  260. Uptown Funk (Tuxedo) P2: 267
  261. When The Rain Begins To Fall: 268
  262. You're The One That I Want P2: 269
  263. All About That Bass: 270
  264. All About That Bass (Flower & Bee) P2: 271
  265. Balkan Blast Remix P1: 272
  266. Boys (Summertime Love) P2: 273
  267. Chiwawa: 274
  268. Drop The Mambo: 275
  269. Hey Mama P2: 276
  270. I Gotta Feeling (Classroom) P1: 277
  271. Ievan Polkka: 278
  272. Stuck On A Feeling: 279
  273. The Choice Is Yours: 280
  274. Under The Sea: 281
  275. Junto A Tì P2: 282
  276. Born This Way (Nerd): 283
  277. Rabiosa: 284
  278. Rabiosa (Latin Fitness): 285
  279. Lights: 286
  280. Hey Mama (Geisha) P2: 287
  281. Want To Want Me: 288
  282. Stadium Flow: 289
  283. Kaboom Pow: 290
  284. Kool Kontact P2: 291
  285. Gibberish P2: 292
  286. Fancy P3: 293
  287. Copacabana P2: 294
  288. I’m An Albatraoz: 295
  289. Animals (Extreme): 296
  290. Circus (Extreme): 297
  291. Fancy (Indian): 298
  292. Heartbeat Song: 299
  293. Hit The Road Jack (Line Dance) P3: 300
  294. No Control P2: 301
  295. Same Old Love P2: 302
  296. This is How We Do P1: 303
  297. This Is How We Do (Aerobics): 304
  298. Want To Want Me (Couple) P2: 305
  299. Fun: 306
  300. Cool For The Summer: 307
  301. Jacob Frye (Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate): 308
  302. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate: 309
  303. Evie Frye (Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate): 310
  304. Emile (Valiant Hearts: The Great War): 311
  305. Pagan Min (Far Cry 4): 312
  306. B.U.D. (Grow Home): 313
  307. Aurora (Child of Light): 314
  308. Sir Painhammer (The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot): 315
  309. Cake: 316
  310. Palm Tree: 317
  311. Ice Cream: 318
  312. Flippers: 319
  313. Coconut: 320
  314. Sunglasses: 321
  315. Roller: 322
  316. Keyboard: 323
  317. Boombox: 324
  318. Disco Ball: 325
  319. Lightning: 326
  320. Hurricane: 327
  321. Sun: 328
  322. Moon: 329
  323. Comet: 330
  324. Rocket: 331
  325. Ying Yang: 332
  326. Rainbow: 333
  327. Holding Out for a Hero’s flying cat: 334
  328. Never Gonna Give You Up’s dinosaur: 335
  329. XMas Tree's elephant: 336
  330. American Girl: 337
  331. Dançando (Updated): 338
  332. One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks): 339
  333. Sexy And I Know It: 340
  334. What About Love: 341
  335. Can’t Get Enough: 342
  336. Don’t You Worry Child: 343
  337. Gangnam Style P2 (C3): 344
  338. I Need Your Love: 348
  339. My Main Girl: 350
  340. #thatPOWER (On-Stage) P2: 351
  341. Die Young P1: 352
  342. Just Dance (Sweat): 354
  343. Rock N Roll: 355
  344. Beauty And A Beat: 358
  345. Part of Me: 361
  346. We R Who We R: 365
  347. Wake Me Up V2: 366
  348. The World Is Ours: 367
  349. Kiss You P3: 371
  350. Da Funk P2: 376
  351. Just Dance C2: 377
  352. Santa Claus: 379
  353. Get Lucky P1: 380
  354. Gangnam Style’s horse: 382
  355. Land Of 1000 Dances' penguin: 383
  356. Starships’ monster: 384
  357. Lollipop's sock puppet: 385
  358. California Gurls’ racoon: 386
  359. Samurai (For Honor): 387
  360. Viking (For Honor): 388
  361. Knight (For Honor): 389
  362. Cercavo Amore: 390
  363. Baby One More Time P2: 391
  364. Baby Zouk P2: 392
  365. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful): 393
  366. Boom Clap: 394
  367. Boom: 395
  368. Break Free: 396
  369. U Can’t Touch This: 397
  370. Cotton Eye Joe: 398
  371. Domino: 399
  372. Fame: 400
  373. Futebol Crazy: 401
  374. Girlfriend P2: 402
  375. Hot Stuff P2: 403
  376. No Limit P2: 404
  377. Superstition: 405
  378. Take On Me: 406
  379. TiK ToK: 407
  380. Tribal Dance: 408
  381. Twist And Shake It P1: 409
  382. Walk Like An Egyptian: 410
  383. Want U Back: 411
  384. You Can’t Hurry Love P1: 412
  385. Good Feeling: 413
  386. Heart Of Glass: 414
  387. Heavy Cross: 415
  388. Hit Em Up Style (Oops!): 416
  389. Hit The Lights: 417
  390. Idealistic: 419
  391. I Like It P2: 420
  392. I Want You Back: 421
  393. So Glamorous: 422
  394. India Waale P1: 423
  395. Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny): 424
  396. Jambo Mambo P1: 425
  397. Aserejé (The Ketchup Song) P1: 426
  398. Kurio ko uddah le jana P2: 427
  399. Lollipop: 428
  400. Mamasita P2: 429
  401. Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit of Monika) P2: 430
  402. The Master Blaster P2: 431
  403. Move Your Feet: 432
  404. Oh No!: 433
  405. That's The Way (I Like It): 435
  406. The Final Countdown P1 (Updated): 436
  407. Why Oh Why P1: 437
  408. Primadonna: 438
  409. Down By The Riverside: 439
  410. Step By Step: 440
  411. Soul Searchin’: 441
  412. Teenage Dream: 442
  413. Let It Go P2: 443
  414. Jailhouse Rock P2: 444
  415. E.T.: 445
  416. Crazy Little Thing Called Love: 446
  417. Prince Alì P4 (Updated): 447
  418. Ghostbusters P4 (Updated): 449
  419. Cheerleader P2: 450
  420. Ulibayssia: 451
  421. Crying Blood: 456
  422. Jump (For My Love) P1: 457
  423. Oath P1: 458
  424. Mashed Potato Time: 459
  425. Hungarian Dance No. 5 P1: 460
  426. YMCA P3: 461
  427. Turn Up The Love (Fanmade): 462
  428. We No Speak Americano (Fanmade): 463
  429. Sexy And I Know It (Community Remix): 464
  430. Blurred Lines (Fanmade): 465
  431. Starships (Charleston) P1: 466
  432. Jailhouse Rock (Line Dance): 467
  433. Better When I’m Dancin’: 468
  434. Airplanes: 471
  435. #thatPOWER (Extreme): 472
  436. Turn Up The Love (Sumo) P2: 473
  437. Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 474
  438. Le Freak: 475
  439. It’s Raining Men: 476
  440. All About That Bass (Community Remix): 477
  441. The Choice Is Yours (Community Remix): 484
  442. Shut Up And Dance P1: 485
  443. Gentleman (Sweat): 486
  444. Ghostbusters (Sweat): 487
  445. Promiscuous: 488
  446. Am I Wrong: 491
  447. I Gotta Feeling (Community Remix): 492
  448. Hey Mama (Community Remix): 493
  449. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Sing Along): 494
  450. I Kissed The Girl (Sing Along): 495
  451. Get Ugly: 497
  452. What Is Love: 499
  453. Taste The Feeling: 501
  454. Ievan Polkka (Community Remix): 502
  455. Good Feeling (Extreme): 503
  456. Don’t Stop Me Now: 504
  457. It’s You (Sweat): 511
  458. I Kissed aGirl (Sweat): 512
  459. Holiday: 513
  460. I’m An Albatraoz (Community Remix): 514
  461. Taste The Feeling (Alternate): 515
  462. Hold My Hand: 533
  463. Acceptable In The 80s: 536
  464. Stadium Flow (Fanmade): 537
  465. Animals (Community Remix): 548
  466. I Will Survive (Alternate): 583
  467. Tribal Dance (Alternate): 585
  468. Sorry (Extreme Version):587
  469. Taste The Feeling (Olympic):588
  470. All About Us:590
  471. Bang: 591
  472. Beware of the Boys (Mundian To Bach Ke):592
  473. Don’t Wanna Know:593
  474. Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It): 594
  475. Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae):595
  476. Last Christmas: 597
  477. Hips Don’t Lie (Sumo Version):598
  478. Radical (Helmet Version):599
  479. Little Swing:600
  480. Take Me Out:601
  481. This Is How We Do (Fanmade):603
  482. Just Dance (On-Stage):604
  483. Taste The Feeling (Community Remix):605
  484. Tui Zhi Ge:606
  485. Qia La Yong Yuan OK - Future Underworld Mix: 607
  486. Je sais pas danser:614
  487. Imya 505:615
  488. Let Me Love You:616
  489. Youth:617
  490. Ona Tańczy Dla Mnie:618
  491. Zombie:619
  492. Unicorn:620
  493. Two Teeth:621
  494. Grumpy Ghost:622
  495. Jack O' Lantern:623
  496. Alphabet Song:624
  497. Jingle Bells:625
  498. Accidentally in Love:626
  499. Day-O (The Banana Boat Song):627
  500. Five Little Monkeys:628
  501. Hickory Dickory Dock:630
  502. I Like to Move It (Just Dance Kids 2014):632
  503. The Lion Sleeps Tonight:633
  504. Mary Had a Little Lamb:634
  505. A Pirate You Shall Be:635
  506. We Go Well Together:636
  507. Mr. Chef Claws:643
  508. Jimi Sea Horse:644
  509. OctoDrum:645
  510. How Deep Is Your Love:646
  511. The Greatest:647
  512. Figgy Snow Rider:649
  513. Snowman:650
  514. Super Santa:651
  515. Archer of Love:652
  516. The Red Queen:653
  517. The Lovely Gift:654
  518. Don’t Worry:655
  519. Juju On That Beat P2:656
  520. Billy the Leek:660
  521. Miss Healthy:661
  522. Big Red:662
  523. Leopold the Jester:664
  524. Counselor Giraffus:665
  525. King Jumbo:666
  526. Honey, Honey:667
  527. Knowing Me, Knowing You:668
  528. Waterloo:669
  529. Voulez-Vous:670
  530. Super Trouper:671
  531. Dancing Queen (ABBA: You Can Dance):672
  532. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) (ABBA: You Can Dance):673
  533. Money, Money, Money:674
  534. SOS:675
  535. Fernando:676
  536. Take a Chance on Me:677
  537. The Winner Takes It All:678
  538. Lay All Your Love On Me:679
  539. Mamma Mia:680
  540. Me Too:681
  541. Chiwawa (Remastered Version):682
  542. Sax:687
  543. Waka Waka (This Time for Africa):691
  544. HandClap:693
  545. Blow Your Mind (Mwah):694
  546. Carmen (Overture):697
  547. Daddy Cool:699
  548. Blue (Da Ba Dee):700
  549. Happy Farm:704
  550. Side to Side:705
  551. Make It Jingle:706
  552. Don’t Let Me Down:707
  553. Got That:708
  554. Another One Bites the Dust (Stunt Version):709
  555. Side to Side (Cycling Version):710
  556. Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (Football Version): 711
  557. Ain’t My Fault:712
  558. In the Hall of the Pixel King:713
  559. Automaton (Tomato Version):714
  560. Tumbum:715
  561. Rockabye:716
  562. Fearless Pirate:717
  563. Footloose:720
  564. 24K Magic P1: 721
  565. 24K Magic (Extreme Version): 722
  566. Diggy: 723
  567. Chantaje P1: 724
  568. Love Ward P2: 725
  569. Tumbum (Extreme Version): 726
  570. Sayonara: 727
  571. Automaton: 730
  572. John Wayne (Extreme Version): 731
  573. Bubble Pop! P3: 732
  574. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini P1: 739
  575. Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (Kids Version): 741
  576. Magic Halloween P2: 742
  577. Bubble Pop! (Bubble Gum Version) P1: 750
  578. Footloose (Kids): 775
  579. Keep on Moving: 778
  580. Sugar Dance: 779
  581. Risky Business: 780
  582. Dharma: 781
  583. The Way I Are (Dance With Somebody) P1: 782
  584. Dharma (Fight Version) P2: 785
  585. Wanderlust: 787
  586. Shape of You: 808
  587. Bad Liar: 810
  588. Amazing Girl: 812
  589. New Face P2: 813
  590. Slumber Party P2: 814
  591. Beep Beep I’m A Sheep: 815
  592. Funky Robot: 816
  593. Pixie Land: 817
  594. Fight Club: 818
  595. Thumbs: 819
  596. All You Gotta Do (Is Just Dance): 820
  597. Another One Bites the Dust P4: 821
  598. Boom Boom P2: 824
  599. Despacito P4: 825
  600. Despacito (Extreme Version): 826
  601. How Far I’ll Go: 827
  602. Instruction: 828
  603. John Wayne: 829
  604. Kissing Strangers P1: 830
  605. Kissing Strangers (Charleston Version) P2: 831
  606. Naughty Girl: 832
  607. Swish Swish P4: 836
  608. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go (From The Emoji Movie) P1: 838
  609. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go: 840
  610. HandClap (World Cup Champion Version): 841
  611. J’suis pas jalouse P2: 842
  612. Sun (Солнышко): 846
  613. Wheels on The Bus: 860
  614. Five Little Monkeys: 861
  615. Fraggle Rock: 862
  616. I’ve Been Working on The Railroad: 863
  617. If You’re Happy and You Know It: 864
  618. Error: 878
  619. Mi Gente P2: 879
  620. No Lie P2: 881
  621. Feel It Still: 882
  622. Where Are You Now? P3: 883
  623. Obsesión P1: 884
  624. Mama Mia P1: 885
  625. Friendly Phantom P1: 886
  626. Boogiesaurus: 888
  627. Work Work (Extreme Version): 889
  628. I’m Still Standing: 890
  629. Cosmic Party: 891
  630. Fire P1: 892
  631. Ça Plane Pour Moi: 893
  632. Shaky Shaky: 894
  633. Irish Meadow Dance P1: 895
  634. Adeyyo: 897
  635. Jingle Bells P2: 898
  636. Shinobi Cat: 900
  637. Mad Love P2: 901
  638. A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got) (Twenties Version) P2: 902
  639. Mi Mi Mi P1: 903
  640. Tales of the Desert: 905
  641. Work Work P1: 906
  642. Monsters of Jazz: 907
  643. Narco: 908
  644. Bum Bum Tam Tam (Mad Scientist Version) P1: 909
  645. Finesse (Remix) P2: 910
  646. A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got): 911
  647. Rhythm of the Night: 912
  648. I Feel It Coming: 913
  649. Havana: 914
  650. Make Me Feel: 915
  651. Water Me: 916
  652. Miłość w Zakopanem: 917
  653. Finesse (Remix) (Extreme Version): 918
  654. Mi Mi Mi (Sassy Version) P1: 919
  655. Obsesión P2: 928
  656. Bang Bang Bang P1/P3: 936
  657. New World: 937
  658. New Reality: 938
  659. Not Your Ordinary P1: 939
  660. Where Are You Now? (Hide-and-seek Version) P1: 943
  661. Fire on the Dancefloor: 945
  662. Dame Tu Cosita: 947
  663. Make It Jingle: 948
  664. New Rules: 950
  665. OMG P1: 951
  666. OMG (Extreme Version): 954
  667. Bum Bum Tam Tam P1: 955
  668. What Lovers Do P1: 957
  669. Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing: 959
  670. That’s Not My Name: 960
  671. New Rules (Extreme Version): 961
  672. I Like to Move It (Just Dance Kids 2014) Background P2: 972
  673. Un Poco Loco: 982
  674. Pac-Man P2: 984
  675. Familiar: 989
  676. Toy: 991
  677. Sangria Wine: 992
  678. Bang Bang Bang (Extreme Version): 993
  679. Havana (Tango Version) P2: 994
  680. No Tears Left To Cry: 996
  681. One Kiss: 998
  682. Calypso: 999
  683. Sweet Sensation P1: 1000
  684. Rave in the Grave P1: 1009
  685. DDU-DU DDU-DU P1: 1013
  686. Sugar P1: 1019
  687. Dancing Queen P2: 1033
  688. Swish Swish (VIPMADE) P2: 1035
  689. There Is Nothing Better In The World (Ничего на свете лучше нету) P4: 1039
  690. Hala Bel Khamis: 1043
  691. On Ne Porte Pas De Sous-Vêtements P2: 1045
  692. Done For Me P1: 1055
  693. Medicina P1: 1056
  694. Bang Bang Bang (VIPMADE): 1057
  695. Freeze Please P2: 1059
  696. Mini Yo School P1: 1060
  697. My Friend The Dragon P1: 1062
  698. Kitchen Kittens: 1064
  699. Jungle Dances: 1065
  700. The Frog Concert: 1067
  701. Happy Birthday: 1068
  702. Gold Dust: 1069
  703. Me And My Broken Heart P1: 1070
  704. Proud Mary: 1071
  705. Venus: 1072
  706. Giddy On Up (Giddy On Out): 1073
  707. Soul Bossa Nova P1: 1074
  708. Barbie Girl P1: 1075
  709. Lump: 1076
  710. Fine China (Extreme Version): 1077
  711. Criminal P1: 1081
  712. Le Bal Masqué P2: 1084
  713. Fit But You Know It: 1087
  714. Lush Life: 1091
  715. I Am the Best P2: 1092
  716. Jump P2: 1094
  717. Vodovorot: 1095
  718. The Time (Dirty Bit) P1: 1096
  719. Medicina (Extreme Version): 1100
  720. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life P2: 1102
  721. Policeman P1: 1105
  722. Rain Over Me: 1108
  723. Keep in Touch: 1117
  724. Bad Boy P1: 1118
  725. Baby Shark P2: 1123
  726. God Is a Woman: 1124
  727. Con Calma P2: 1228
  728. Peanut Butter Jelly P2: 1230
  729. Sushi: 1231
  730. Soy Yo (Snake Version) P1: 1236
  731. You Don’t Know Me: 1239
  732. Bangarang: 1243
  733. 365: 1245
  734. The Time (Dirty Bit) (Extreme Version): 1247
  735. I Am the Best (Extreme Version): 1249
  736. Rain Over Me (Extreme Version): 1251
  737. I Like It P2: 1259
  738. God Is a Woman (Goddess Version): 1263
  739. Soy Yo: 1265
  740. Tel Aviv P3: 1269
  741. Skibidi P2: 1271
  742. Taki Taki: 1274
  743. My New Swag (我的新衣): 1281
  744. Sushi (Extreme Version): 1283
  745. Bangarang (Extreme Version): 1285
  746. Taki Taki (Caveman Version) P2: 1288
  747. Get Busy P2: 1291
  748. High Hopes P1: 1293
  749. Kill This Love P1: 1298
  750. Kill This Love P2: 1299
  751. Kill This Love P4: 1301
  752. Talk: 1303
  753. Boys: 1305
  754. Ma Itù: 1306
  755. Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) P3: 1310
  756. Talk (Extreme Version): 1316
  757. Old Town Road (Remix): 1318
  758. 7 Rings P2: 1323
  759. Bad Guy: 1326
  760. Fancy Footwork: 1328
  761. Old Town Road (Remix) (Line Dance Version) P3: 1332
  762. Just An Illusion P2: 1335
  763. Stop Movin’ P2: 1338
  764. Boys (Voguing Version): 1341
  765. 7 Rings (Extreme Version): 1342
  766. Kill This Love (Extreme Version): 1344
  767. Bassa Sababa: 1346
  768. Fancy (Twice song) P3: 1350
  769. Ugly Beauty (​怪美的​) P1: 1351
  770. Só Depois do Carnaval: 1354
  771. Con Altura: 1356
  772. I Don’t Care: 1358
  773. Infernal Galop (Can-Can) P1: 1363
  774. DjaDja: 1380/1381
  775. New World (VIPMADE): 1384
  776. Into the Unknown: 1388
  777. Rock N Roll Princess: 1393
  778. Here Comes The Spy: 1394
  779. Space Cat: 1395
  780. The Color Lab: 1396
  781. Let’s Save Our Planet P1: 1399
  782. Dance Of The Mirlitons P2: 1403
  783. Flying Carpet: 1407
  784. Señorita P1: 1408
  785. Barbra Streisand: 1410
  786. Bailando: 1412
  787. Yameen Yasar: 1414
  788. Que Tire Pa Lante P2: 1422
  789. In The Navy P4: 1429
  790. Georgia: 1435
  791. Buscando: 1437
  792. The Weekend P1: 1444
  793. Without Me P3: 1448
  794. Dibby Dibby Sound P2: 1451
  795. Alexandrie Alexandra P2: 1454
  796. Heat Seeker: 1459
  797. Juice P2: 1462
  798. Kulikitaka: 1465
  799. Rare (Fairy Version): 1473
  800. Dance Monkey: 1475
  801. Habibi Yaeni (Extreme Version): 1477
  802. Don’t Start Now (Extreme Version): 1479
  803. Juice (Yummy Version) P3: 1483
  804. Zenit: 1485
  805. Buscando (Extreme Version): 1487
  806. Samba de Janeiro (Samba Version) P2: 1490
  807. Joone Khodet P2: 1490
  808. Adore You: 1500
  809. Feel Special (Extreme Version): 1502
  810. Runaway (U & I) P1: 1504
  811. Volar: 1507
  812. Get Get Down P4: 1512
  813. All the Good Girls Go to Hell: 1522
  814. Paca Dance P1: 1525
  815. Rare: 1527
  816. Boy, You Can Keep It: 1529
  817. Feel Special P2: 1532
  818. Magenta Riddim: 1537
  819. Lacrimosa: 1539
  820. Till The World Ends (Extreme Version): 1541
  821. Don't Start Now: 1545
  822. Kick It (Extreme Version): 1547
  823. Blinding Lights (Extreme Version): 1549
  824. Kick It P2: 1552
  825. You’ve Got a Friend In Me: 1556
  826. Ice Cream P4: 1561
  827. UNO P1: 1563
  828. The Other Side (from Trolls World Tour): 1568
  829. Blinding Ligts: 1570
  830. YO LE LLEGO P2: 1573
  831. Temperature P3: 1577
  832. Rain On Me P2: 1581
  833. Say So P1: 1585
  834. Satellite: 1589
  835. Mas Que Nada: 1590
  836. Temperature (Extreme Version): 1594
  837. Girls Like P2: 1600
  838. Come Back Home P3: 1605
  839. Dans van de Farao P1: 1607
  840. Juice (VIPMADE) P2: 1609
  841. Flash (Just Dance Version): 1611
  842. U.S.A. P2: 1612
  843. Monster P2: 1613
  844. Tusa: 1614
  845. DRUM GO DUM P2: 1616
  846. The Way I Are P1: 1618
  847. China P3: 1635
  848. Flash Pose P1: 1641
  849. Poster Girl: 1645
  850. Human: 1647
  851. You Can Dance: 1649
  852. Funk P1: 1651
  853. Believer P1: 1654
  854. Last Friday Night C2: 1657
  855. Jopping (Extreme Version) P3: 1661
  856. Level Up P2: 1669
  857. Boss Witch: 1672
  858. Follow The White Rabbit: 1674
  859. POP/STARS P4-C2: 1679
  860. Mood P2: 1682
  861. Jopping: 1684
  862. Black Mamba (Extreme Version) P2: 1687
  863. Black Mamba: 1690
  864. BOOMBAYAH (Extreme Version) P3: 1696
  865. Baianá: 1699
  866. Calypso (Community Remix): 1701
  867. Malibu P2: 1703
  868. Rock Your Body: 1705
  869. Jerusalema P4: 1710
  870. Judas: 1712
  871. Buttons P2: 1715
  872. Love Story (Taylor's Version) P1: 1721
  873. GIRL LIKE ME C2: 1727
  874. Chandelier: 1729
  875. Sua Cara: 1731
  876. BOOMBAYAH: 1733
  877. Buttons (Night Version): 1735
  878. GIRL LIKE ME (Extreme Version): 1737
  879. Stop Drop Roll P3: 1741
  880. Mr. Blue Sky: 1746
  881. Think About Things: 1748
  882. Chacarron: 1750
  883. Sua Cara (Limo Version) P1: 1752
  884. Smalltown Boy: 1758
  885. Save Your Tears (Remix) P1: 1761
  886. Levitating: 1764
  887. Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels: 1768
  888. Happier Than Ever: 1770
  889. Build A B****: 1772
  890. Chandelier (Contemporary Dance Version): 1774
  891. Levitating (Extreme Version): 1776
  892. My Way P3: 1780
  893. Koi P3: 1785
  894. good 4 u: 1787
  895. À la Folie: 1789
  896. Level Up (VIPMADE): 1791
  897. Mood (Alternate Version): 1794
  898. Don't Go Yet P1: 1797
  899. Waterval P2: 1800
  900. Daisy: 1801
  901. MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name): 1802
  902. Don't Go Yet (Alternate Version): 1803
  903. Kiss Me More P2: 1804
  904. Positions P4: 1806
  905. Louie Louie: 1807
  906. Bad Habits: 1808
  907. Womanizer: 1809
  908. Bring Me to Life P1: 1814
  909. Can't Stop The Feeling! Disco Ball: 1816
  910. Disco Inferno: 1818
  911. MORE P2: 1836
  912. If You Wanna Party: 1840
  913. Radioactive P2: 1846
  914. Zooby Doo P1: 1870
  915. Born To Be Wild: 1908

To get Golden and Diamond avatars, add 200 and 300 to the start of the avatar's number, respectively.

(For example, to get DARE's golden avatar, use the number 2001.)

  • Songs added after the August 2017 update do not use diamond or gold avatars.

All Codes for videos[]

  • #thatPOWER -76f332e9 (contains 27 parts)
  • 99 Luftballons - 81f7f8f4 (contains 23 parts)
  • Ain’t My Fault -3fc39dd15a273ba3 (contains 21 parts)
  • All About That Bass - 3ea7bcbc (contains 18 parts)
  • Animals - 5f5a0ffe (contains 16 parts)
  • Applause - 8f4b8261 (contains 21 parts)
  • Asereje (The Ketchup Song) - b86b6bbe (contains 20 parts)
  • Bad Romance - 57694d45 (contains 29 parts)
  • Bailar - 3fe53ef0346a7de0 (contains 16 parts)
  • Beauty and a Beat - bc9f0185 (contains 23 parts)
  • Bicicleta (La Bicicleta) -19ffe378eb0bf (contains 22 parts)
  • Boys (Summertime Love) - f5886f29 (contains 21 parts)
  • Can’t Take My Eyes Off You -471572cf (contains 22 parts)
  • C’mon -81dc732 (contains 21 parts)
  • Can’t Get Enough -4b6da6fa (contains 22 parts)
  • Cercavo Amore -1cbfe38d (contains 21 parts)
  • Chiwawa - 1e17e147 (contains 16 parts)
  • Circus - b414d477 (contains 19 parts)
  • Cool For The Summer - 3f51d6fe (contains 21 parts)
  • Crucified -af9b1965 (contains 21 parts)
  • Despacito - 3feeed2f287dda5e (contains 22 parts)
  • Die Young -d6e9d525 (contains 21 parts)
  • Diggin’ In The Dirt -a6ba72d5 (contains 21 parts)
  • Domino - 139b033 (contains 23 parts)
  • Drop the Mambo - 74c8c984 (contains 18 parts)
  • Dynamite -b8767af5 (contains 20 parts)
  • Gentleman -3ba6b248 (contains 19 parts)
  • Good Feeling -b97d9905 (contains 24 parts)
  • Happy - 5a1dc07b (contains 16 parts)
  • Just Dance -898ca5d2 (contains 24 parts)
  • Love You Like A Love Song - a7f8971f (contains 19 parts)
  • Maps - fe663278 (contains 19 parts)
  • Moves Like Jagger - fe8d24ea (contains 20 parts)
  • Movement Is Happiness (Find Your Thing) - 6f4d3f5b (contains 21 parts)
  • PoPiPo -3fe04ea405209d48 (contains 18 parts)
  • Part of Me - 057c1bef (contains 21 parts)
  • Pound The Alarm -0b71eff2 (contains 21 parts)
  • Starships - 286dc346 (contains 21 parts)
  • Taste The Feeling - 5fd615db (contains 19 parts)
  • The Choice Is Yours - d8dd20a6 (contains 18 parts)
  • TiK ToK -d67ab754 (contains 20 parts)
  • Tribal Dance -fbfa52d1 (contains 22 parts)
  • Y.M.C.A. - 2d270b7 (contains 21 parts)


  • According to .json files, when viewing a song's .json file that only has one pictogram name (which only occurs to songs that only have a single placeholder pictogram in their files), each placeholder pictogram will have a different name, as there are two random letters at the end of the pictogram name for each song. For example, Bebe's placeholder pictogram is named "placeholder_po", while Womanizer's placeholder pictogram is named "placeholder_sh".
  • If you click the following link: https://iap-mob.ubi.com/store/v3/?product=491&portal=google&language=en, you can find a codename that is named "ASecretSong". Currently, it is unknown what its purpose is.
  • In the updated bundle link, all song bundles will have their classifier files renamed to "classifiers_WIIU".
  • In the .json files for songs that have no lyrics, the lyrics hexadecimal is listed as "#FF0000" (red).
  • As of an unknown date, files of songs not available in Just Dance Now have been removed fromthe https://jdnowweb-s.cdn.ubi.com/ server.


Placeholder square for Classic routines

Placeholder square for Alternate routines

Placeholder Coach Image

Placeholder Cover

Solo Placeholder Pictogram

Dance Crew Placeholder Pictogram

Gold Move image 1

Gold Move image 2

Gold Move image 3

Flag Holder

Star Outline

Star Glow

Star Texture

Just Dance Now Code Names (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

Last Updated:

Views: 6108

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.